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Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 11th February 2022

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 02/07/2022 - 06:48
Celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science – 11th February 2022 webadmin Mon, 02/07/2022 - 17:48

The Chairperson, Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) Uganda National Chapter invites you all to join the celebrations to mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on Friday, 11th February 2022 from 12:30pm-17:00pm in the Auditorium at CTF2, Makerere University. The OWSD Uganda National Chapter is hosted at the College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University.

THEME: “Career Advancement Challenges, Opportunities, and Experiences of Women and Girls in Sciences and Leadership in Uganda”

GUEST OF HONOUR:  Dr Monica Musenero, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation



On 22 December 2015, the UN General Assembly decided to establish an annual International Day to recognize the critical role women and girls play in science and technology, through Resolution A/RES/70/212. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated on 11 February, is implemented by UNESCO and UN-Women, in collaboration with institutions and civil society partners that aim to promote women and girls in science. This Day is an opportunity to promote full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls. The Day is a reminder that women and girls play a critical role in science and technology communities and that their participation should be strengthened.

Click on the link below to view the programme.

Programme - International Day for Women and Girls in Science-converted.pdf

MakCoNAS First Year Students' Orientation

Latest News from CoNAS - Fri, 02/04/2022 - 04:32
MakCoNAS First Year Students' Orientation webadmin Fri, 02/04/2022 - 15:32

Each year, Makerere University admits over 10,000 students to various programmes in the 10 constituent Colleges. This Academic Year, 2021/2022, the University admitted about 800 students to various disciplines at the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS).

The Principal, Prof. JYT. Mugisha addressing the students

Orientation of students

In a bid to enable students settle in well, Colleges, Schools and Departments organize orientations for all newly admitted students, both undergraduate and graduate.

On 2nd February 2022, CoNAS held an orientation for all First Year students, where academic and administrative leaders headed by the Principal, Prof. JYT Mugisha briefed students about the College and the University in general.

The Deputy Principal, Dr Fredrick Muyodi delivering his remarks

In his remarks, the Principal welcomed the students and encouraged them to remain focused, noting that they had made the best choice, ‘since the basic sciences form the foundation for all science’. He cautioned the students to avoid temptations that may cause dropout, but also to be keen on fraudsters who target unsuspecting newly admitted students.

 The newly admitted students at the orientation

In similar regard, the College academic heads led by Prof. Fredrick Muyodi, Deputy Principal welcomed and briefed students about the programmes in the College. The Deans and Heads in attendance specifically introduced the students to programmes in their respective units. These included Dr Joseph Kyambadde, Dean School of Biosciences; Dr Vuzi Peter, Head, Department of Biochemistry and Sports Science; Dr Michael Owor, Head Department of Geology and Petroleum Studies; Dr John Wasswa, Head Department of Chemistry; Dr Eric Sande, Head Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences; and Dr Denis Okello, Head Department of Physics. The meeting was also attended by the College and School registrars led by Ms. Hellen Kalema Ssali who sensitized the students on various academic policies regarding registration, tuition payment, withdraw from a programme, change of programme, examinations and irregularities.

Some of the Academic and Administrative leaders who turned up for the orientation

 In the course of the meeting, Mr Opio Arthur from the Directorate of ICT, Makerere University guided the students through the various portals for online registration, generation of reference numbers for fees payment, creation of university email and access to MUELE – the Makerere University E-Learning platform. Mr. Opio informed the students that the Directorate would organize more training sessions with regard to access and use of the portals.

Important links shared by DICTS

1. How to activate your Mak email -

2. How to activate your Mak Student's Portal

3. An OVERVIEW of the Mak Student's Portal

4. How to Enroll & Register As Normal Progress Student (Without

5. Retakes)

6. How to Enroll & Register With Retakes For A Previous Semester

7. How to Allocate Tuition That Was Paid & Isn't Reflecting

8. How to activate a MUELE account -

The College Registrar, Ms. Hellen Kalema Ssali briefing the students

Students’ mental welfare

At the same event, the Manager, Counseling and Guidance Centre at Makerere University, Mr. Henry Nsubuga shared experiences of the various challenges faced by students and provided guidance on stress management. He also informed the students about the University Sexual Harassment Policy and how to deal with the challenge.

The Manager Counseling and Guidance Centre, Mr Henry Nsubuga

Academic Programmes at CoNAS

To access details about Academic programmes at CoNAS, click on:



Invitation to Mr Janani Loum's PhD defense

Latest News from CoNAS - Tue, 02/01/2022 - 04:25
Invitation to Mr Janani Loum's PhD defense webadmin Tue, 02/01/2022 - 15:25

The Chair, Department of Chemistry Higher Degrees Research Committee invites you to Mr. Janani Loum’s PhD defense scheduled to take place on 24th February 2022 starting at 11:00am.

Venue: Department of Chemistry Boardroom


1. Prof. Robert Byamukama - Department of Chemistry, Makerere University
2. Prof. P.A.G. Wanyama – Department of Chemistry, Kyambogo University

Please click on the link below for the abstract. 

Mr Janani Loum's Abstract.docx

Mak Endowment Fund: Brief on the Board of Trustees Engagement with CoNAS Principal, Expectations from the College

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 01/31/2022 - 04:20
Mak Endowment Fund: Brief on the Board of Trustees Engagement with CoNAS Principal, Expectations from the College webadmin Mon, 01/31/2022 - 15:20 The Principal, CoNAS, Prof. JYT. Mugisha meeting with the team from the Endowment Fund, Dr Maggie B. Kigozi and Mr Kenneth Mugambe, as well as Makerere University Principal Planning Officer, Mr Emmanuel Kitamirike (L) 


For so many years, Makerere University has relied on tuition, donors and government subventions to meet its core mandate. However, Government funding as well as donor contributions have continued to fluctuate creating financial challenges for the University.

At its 130th meeting held on 20th February 2014,  the Makerere University Council agreed and approved the setting up of an Endowment Fund to support the diversification of financial resources and establish a stable stream of income to meet the current and emerging research and innovation obligations of the University.

The Principal CoNAS briefing the team about the status of the College

In September 2021, former Uganda Investment Authority Executive Director, Dr Maggie B. Kigozi and other 6 eminent Ugandans were appointed by the University Council to the Board of Trustees, an independent body responsible for the Endowment Fund. The Trustees are mandated to independently manage the University Endowment in line with the approved policies.

Just like other developed universities across the globe, Makerere initiated the Endowment Fund to aggregate its assets, seek for donations from alumni and friends and invest these assets to support its core mandate in perpetuity.

The team from the Mak Endowment Fund led by Dr Maggie B. Kigozi (L)

The new Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund chaired by Dr Maggie B. Kigozi is keen to build on the efforts of the inaugural Board to ensure the Endowment objectives are realised. The objectives of the Endowment Fund include;

  1. To mobilize funds for the benefit of the University operations
  2. To invest the funds held by the Endowment Fund in such a manner as may from time to time be determined in  line with the University Investment Policy and guidelines provided by the University Council
  3. To fund scholarships, research, Infrastructure, teaching and learning materials, staff remuneration, and activities that are aimed at attaining the objectives for which the University was established

At the moment Makerere University’s Endowment Fund is worth over UGX9.5 billion, approximately USD2.6 million accumulated from students’ contributions, fundraising drives such as the Mak-Run and returns on investment.

Mr Mugambe (L) and Mr Kitamirike (R) engaging the Principal, CoNAS

Measures to strengthen the Fund

In a bid to strengthen the operations of the Fund, the Board of Trustees is developing an alumni and stakeholder online engagement system that will facilitate the following;

  1. An alumni database
  2. Real-time interactive communication between alumni and alumni as well as alumni and the Makerere University community
  3. Online payment system that allows alumni and other stakeholders to seamlessly and conveniently contribute to the Fund as well as to Makerere University causes
  4. Enables the sharing of news and events schedules at the University as well as subscription to participate in and contribute to on-campus activities
  5. Profiles the Fund and more specifically recognizes those who give to the university, and accounts for the resources entrusted to the University  
  6. An accompanying mobile app to allow for seamless interactions between alumni and the University

Engagement with College Principals

The Board of Trustees appreciates the centrality of engaging Constituent Colleges in its pursuits to contribute to the financial sustainability of Makerere. Consequently, members of the Board led by Dr Maggie B. Kigozi are engaging  Principals to explore mechanisms of bringing on board all Colleges to establish an Endowment Fund, and generally contribute to the realization of the objectives of the University Endowment Fund.

Meeting with the Principal, CoNAS

This morning, 31st January 2022, members of the Board of Trustees namely; Dr Maggie B. Kigozi (Chairperson) and Dr Kenneth Mugambe, together with the University Principal Planning Officer, Mr Emmanuel Kitamirike held discussions with the Principal, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Prof. JYT. Mugisha on the general purpose of the Endowment Fund, and how the College can support but also benefit from it. At the meeting, the team briefed the Principal on the history of the Endowment Fund, noting that it started way back in the 1930s and was being managed by Crown Agents in the UK. The money that has been generated from that specific Fund is 1.3 million pounds and has been used to support various activities at the University. The team briefed the Principal on the expectations from the Colleges which include;

Expectations from the College

-Support the Fund develop an alumni database for CoNAS – provide alumni links

-Identification of specific projects, good scientific ventures at the College that can be fundraised for/supported by the Endowment Fund

-Work towards setting up an Endowment Fund at the College

- Share ideas on how the Fund can be strengthened.

-Provide general support towards all activities of the Fund


1st NAPIANA Symposium Hosted at Makerere

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 01/27/2022 - 05:34
1st NAPIANA Symposium Hosted at Makerere webadmin Thu, 01/27/2022 - 16:34


Dr Alice Nabatanzi (seated 2nd R) together with the representative of the DVCAA, Prof. Christopher Mbazira (seated R), the former Chancellor Makerere University, Prof. Mondo Kagonyera (seated L), the Director DRGT, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi (seated 2nd L) and representatives from partner institutions at the 1st NAPIANA Symposium 

The NAPIANA-2022 Symposium under the theme: “Reinforcing the Roots of Natural Products Value Chains through Transdisciplinarity for Sustainable Societal Transformation” was held on 17th January 2022 at Makerere University.

The main activity at this blended (physical and virtual) symposium held at the College of Computing and Information Sciences Conference Hall was the establishment of the Natural Products Industry Advancement Network Africa (NAPIANA). The Network founded by Dr. Alice Nabatanzi, an academic staff at the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) was launched on 7th July 2021 at Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala during the RNPIA-2021 Conference.

NAPIANA through its transdisciplinary approach aims at bridging the gaps between the stakeholders along the different Natural Products Value chains in order to advance the Natural Products Industry in Africa. The Symposium was officiated by Prof. Christopher Mbazira (Ag. Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs) and attended by major stakeholders in the Natural Products Industry from Uganda National Bureau of Standards, National Drug Authority and Natural Chemotherapeutic Research Institute.

Prof. Christopher Mbazira, Principal School of Law represented the DVCAA

Addressing participants, Prof. Mbazira applauded the establishment of NAPIANA. He expressed concern over the lack of standardization of natural medicines in Uganda, noting that packaging was so bad and could push away potential customers. Prof. Mbazira encouraged NAPIANA to work with the School of Law in order to address the issue of intellectual property protection which is a major challenge in the Natural products industry.

In his remarks, Prof. George Mondo Kagonyera, former Chancellor of Makerere University, and current Chancellor, Kabale University urged the Government of Uganda to invest more funds in Scientific research and also establish Scientific Centres of Excellence. He further emphasized the need to support young researchers for a brighter future. “Africa is rich with natural resources but remains underdeveloped due to lack of knowledge. We need to promote knowledge generation on the Continent,” he noted.

Prof. Mondo Kagonyera delivering his remarks

Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, the Director, Directorate of Research and Graduate Training at Makerere University appreciated the Carnegie Corporation of New York for taking lead in promoting natural products science and technology competences in the region. He thanked the partner institutions (Future Africa Institute, University of Pretoria, Busitema University, Natural Chemotherapeutic Research Institute, National Drug Authority, Uganda National Bureau of Standards and Kabale University) which have made a positive contribution towards securing and sustainably engaging the African natural products industry for socio-economic development.

The Director noted that it is heartwarming to know that through NAPIANA, Makerere University will have institutional linkages and professional synergies with industries in the areas of product development through quality research and training human capital. He advised that the Network should take lead in networking natural products players such that knowledge can be shared for the benefit of all value chain players from the producers on farms to the processors and consumers.

Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, Director Research and Graduate Training at Makerere

Prof. Wanda Markotter (Future Africa, University of Pretoria) emphasized the role of Transdisciplinarity in solving African problems. She applauded Dr. Alice Nabatanzi on the establishment of NAPIANA and noted the significance of Future Africa in building research leaders across the African continent.

Dr. Alice Nabatanzi, Founder NAPIANA expressed gratitude to the Carnegie Corporation of New York for funding all her Projects (11 years) in Natural Products and furthermore providing funds for the establishment of NAPIANA. The capacity building from Future Africa Institute and University of Pretoria do not go unnoticed. She said the idea to establish NAPIANA was motivated by the fact that the Natural Products Industry in Africa was far behind compared to those in Asia and Europe yet Africa is richer in Biodiversity and the IKHS in Africa has existed since time immemorial. “I also realized the large gaps that existed between stakeholders in the natural products value chains and noted that these were major root causes to stalling Africa’s Natural Products Industry in addition to ignorance, poor infrastructure, poor policies, intellectual property issues and inadequate funding,” she explained.

Prof Wanda Markotter addressing participants













Dr Alice Nabatanzi, Founder NAPIANA briefs participants about the Network

Presentations at the Symposium

Professor Fredrick Jones Muyodi, Deputy Principal, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University discussed the impact of Climate Change on natural products especially the impact on Biodiversity, habitats and Natural resources in general.

Dr. Grace Nambatya, Director Research, Natural Chemotherapeutic Research Institute, Ministry of Health talked about the COVID-19 herbal medicine Clinical trial that made a breakthrough and was launched by His Excellence the President of Uganda together with Maama Janet.

Dr Grace Nambatya talked about the COVID-19 herbal medicine Clinical trial that made a breakthrough and was launched by His Excellence the President of Uganda 

Dr. Brian Sekayombya, National Drug Authority emphasized the role of NDA in regulating herbal medicines in Uganda though he noted that there is a lot in terms of regulation to be done.

Mr. Daniel Bakulumpagi from Uganda National Bureau of Standards pointed out existing UNBS standards on products in Uganda but HE NOTED THAT UNBS DOES NOT HAVE STANDARDS ON HERBAL MEDICINES and are looking forward to work with NAPIANA and other stakeholders to come up with those standards.

Prof. Fredrick Muyodi discussed the impact of Climate Change on Natural products

Mr. Muhumuza James, Director Tropical Aloe Lands Foundation, emphasized the importance of NAPIANA to traditional healers.

Dr. Komakech Richard, Natural Chemotherapeutic Research Institute, Ministry of Health highlighted the role of Biotechnology in the production of traditional medicine in reference to the Korean Natural Products Industry.

Dr. Marco De Canha, University of Pretoria, South Africa discussed protection of intellectual property – patenting natural products and the patenting process in South Africa and the fees involved. He went on to show the patents they have registered in Professor Namrita Lall’s Phytomedicine Group.

Participants at the community engagement workshop held a day after the symposium

This NAPIANA Symposium was crowned with a community engagement workshop that took place on 18th January 2022 at Najjembe sub-county, Buikwe district. During the one-day community workshop, the locals discussed and showcased the different natural medicines they use for (i) Pre and Post Pregnancy care, (ii) Child care, (iii) COVID-19 Management, (iv) Family care, (v) Ethnoveterinary medicine and how they have managed to conserve natural resources.





Masters Research Fellowships on Water Essence Africa Project NORHED II

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 01/19/2022 - 03:24
Masters Research Fellowships on Water Essence Africa Project NORHED II webadmin Wed, 01/19/2022 - 14:24

Water ESSENCE Africa – Creating synergy to meet global challenges is a NORHED II project funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD). The purpose of the NORHED Programme is to strengthen capacity in higher education institutions in developing countries to produce higher quality graduates, more and higher-quality research, and more inclusive higher education. The overall objective of the Water ESSENCE Africa project is to co-develop, improve and retain the skills, knowledge, tools and other resources needed for the education of higher quality graduates of water-related study programs, conducting more and higher quality water research, and increasing inclusiveness of the partner universities. Partner institutions on this project include: In Norway- University of Bergen (Agreement partner), Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Norwegian University of Science and Technology; In Africa- Makerere University (Uganda) University of Nairobi (Kenya), University of Juba (South Sudan), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), University of Ghana (Ghana), University of Development Studies (Ghana), Machakos University (Kenya) and University of Rwanda (Rwanda).

The Call

Water ESSENCE Africa is pleased to announce funding for a) ONE (1) 3-weeks study fellowship in Norway to attend credited courses {THT311 - Water Resources Management and Advanced water and wastewater treatment; THT312 Urban Water management in Cold climate}. 13 – 30 June 2022. The fellowship will cover costs of field research/tuition, a modest stipend and travel to Partner institutions as may be justified and approved.

Eligibility and requirements

The applicant should:

  1. Be a registered student at Makerere University.
  2. Possess the requisite travel documents during the specified fellowship period and for a period of six months after conclusion of the fellowship period;
  3. Females are highly encouraged to apply.
  4. Provide proof of completion of coursework in fields relevant to the above broad theme, a full Curriculum Vitae (CV) with primary and alternative contacts, copies of academic documents, statement of research interest and contact addresses (phone and email) of two referees.

How to apply

Applications should be hand delivered in a sealed envelope marked “Water ESSENCE Africa Funding Application” to reach the undersigned by 5:00 PM, 24th January 2022. The Coordinator Water Essence Africa, Flat B7 Lincoln Flats Makerere University, Makerere University P O Box 7062, Kampala. Phone: +256701601797, +256772561965 Email:

See advert below.

Masters Research Fellowships on Water Essence Africa Project NORHED II.pdf


Invitation to Webinar: Implementing indirect cost policies - challenges, insights and lessons learnt

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 01/19/2022 - 02:32
Invitation to Webinar: Implementing indirect cost policies - challenges, insights and lessons learnt webadmin Wed, 01/19/2022 - 13:32

The recovery of indirect costs from research grants and contracts that contributes to sustainable research environments is for various reasons challenging for many institutions. This webinar will introduce the Five Keys to Research Costing and Pricing in Low- and Middle-Income Countries good practice document that was developed by ESSENCE on Health Research, a global funders initiative. Institutions will share their challenges, insights and lessons learnt regarding the implementation of indirect cost policies and the webinar will furthermore explore some of the technical aspects related to indirect cost calculation. A global research funder will share a funder’s perspectives on grants management and indirect cost recovery.

This is to invite you all to participate in this important meeting scheduled for Wednesday, 26th January 2022 from 12:00pm-1:30pm.


Please click on the link below to register. Registration will end on Monday, 24th January 2021

Register here:

See details including the programme in the event poster attached below.

Implementing indirect cost policies Webinar - Wednesday 26th January 2022.pdf

The NAPIANA 2022 Symposium - 17th January, CTF1, Makerere University

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 01/06/2022 - 23:50
The NAPIANA 2022 Symposium - 17th January, CTF1, Makerere University webadmin Fri, 01/07/2022 - 10:50 The NAPIANA 2022 Symposium Speakers


The NAPIANA 2022 Symposium will host different actors in the Natural Products Industry. The symposium will be crowned with the official establishment of the NAPIANA network (Natural Products Industry Advancement Network Africa) which will involve Website and Online Directory launch.

 Theme: Reinforcing the Roots of Natural Products Value Chains through Transdisciplinarity for Sustainable Societal Transformation


  1. Local Communities as Stewards of IKHS
  2. COVID-19 and Natural Products Research
  3. Protection of Intellectual Property
  4. Natural Products at the Face of Climate Change

Date and Time: Monday 17th January 2022 starting 9:00 AM EAT

Venue: CTF1, Makerere University

 The one-day symposium will embrace posters, presentations, policy Recommendations and exhibition. Remaining cognizant of the realities of Covid-19, the symposium will be multi-modal and include virtual participation.

This will be crowned with a Community Engagement Workshop slated for 18th January 2022 to appreciate their Stewardship for IK.

Convener: Dr. Alice Nabatanzi, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University


  • Dr. Brian Sekayombya, National Drug Authority (NDA), Uganda
  • Dr. Grace Nambatya, Director Research – Natural Chemotherapeutic Research Institute (NCRI), Ministry of Health, Uganda
  • Dr. Marco De Canha, University of Pretoria, South Africa
  • Professor John David Kabasa, Principal - College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity (CoVAB), Makerere University
  • Prof. Namrita Lall, University of Pretoria, South Africa

Please note that due to COVID-19 restrictions, only invited guests will participate physically. Virtual attendees may use the credentials below to participate.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 965 2471 1126
Passcode: 665513

Please click on the link below for the programme and event brochure.


Call for Applications - Msc Research Scholarships

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 01/03/2022 - 22:26
Call for Applications - Msc Research Scholarships webadmin Tue, 01/04/2022 - 09:26

A. Background

Dispersal of Antibiotic Resistance and antibiotics in Water ecosystems and Influence on livestock and aquatic wildlife (PAIRWISE)
 project focuses on dispersal and dynamics of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), antibiotic resistance genes (ARG) and antibiotics (ATB) in aquatic environments affected by 
wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), with a ‘One Health’ perspective
( in the catchments of both River Rwizi and Aswa.

The overall goals are to evaluate: i) dispersal of ARB, ARG and ATB in surface waters downstream 
of WWTPs; ii) carriage of ARB and ARG in livestock linked to surface waters influenced by 
WWTPs; and iii) role of aquatic birds in dispersal of ARB and ARG. 

B. The Scholarships
As previously mentioned, and as part of the PAIRWISE capacity building component, we are inviting applications for a One (1) Year research scholarship tenable at Makerere University:

MSc Scholarships and respective research areas
MSc.1 - Assessment of the level and dispersal of ATB in river water upstream and downstream of wastewater treatment plants and hospital effluent. 
MSc.2 - The dispersal of antimicrobial resistance bacteria and genes through aquatic 
birds under different climatic and geographical conditions.
MSc.3 - Characterisation of clinically important antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes in river waters upstream and downstream of WWTPs and hospital effluent.

​​​​​​ C. Scholarship Benefits 
The scholarship will support tuition, research costs, and a modest stipend. The applicants must 
therefore be full-time students. The support is available to applicants who are nearing successful 
completion of year one, and preparing to start research projects in the 2021/2022 Academic 

D. Eligibility
1. The scholarships are open to eligible MSc. students who are duly registered for programmes in the disciplines of Biology, Zoology, Biochemistry or Wildlife. 
2. Applications from suitably qualified females are particularly encouraged.
3. Laboratory skills in microbiology and molecular genetics will be of added advantage.
4. Willingness and ability to work in remote areas of western and northern Uganda.

 E. Application process 
The application package should include: 
1. One-page motivation letter on the research topic of interest.
2. Curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).
3. Copies of academic documents.
4. Evidence of registration on an MSc. programme at Makerere University.
5. Recommendation letters from two academic referees.

F. Application Deadline

Applications should be compiled into a single PDF file and submitted electronically to the 
Principal Investigator, Assoc. Prof. Charles Masembe (, and a copy to Dr. Robinson Odong (, by 14th January 2022.

PAIRWISE MSc_ Scholarships (2).pdf


Aspirants for CoNAS Principal and Deputy Principal positions make public presentations

Latest News from CoNAS - Sun, 12/12/2021 - 23:30
Aspirants for CoNAS Principal and Deputy Principal positions make public presentations webadmin Mon, 12/13/2021 - 10:30

Candidates seeking to fill the positions of Principal and Deputy Principal, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University on 8th December 2021 presented their plans to the general public. The activity (public presentation) is one of the components of the assessment plan for candidates aspiring to take on leadership roles at Makerere University.

 The aspirants for Principal, CoNAS position: Dr Fredrick Jonas Muyodi (Left), Dr John Magero Mango (Centre), and Dr Winston Tumps Ireeta (Right)

The assessment/search process is overseen by a Special Committee of the University Council led by Mr John Chris Ninsiima. Other members of the Committee include; Rt. Hon. Dan Fred Kidega; Counsel Jude Mbabaali; Dr Fredrick Edward Kitoogo; Dr Helen Nambalirwa Nkabala; and Her Worship Doreen Nyanjura.

Aspiring candidates for the position of Principal, CoNAS are: Dr Fredrick Jonas Muyodi, Dr John Magero Mango, and Dr Winston Tumps Ireeta.

Aspirants for the position of Deputy Principal include; Dr Arthur K. Tugume, Dr Joseph Kyambadde, Dr Juma Kasozi and Dr Jackson Efitre.

The aspirants for Deputy Principal, CoNAS position: Dr Arthur K. Tugume (Left), Dr Joseph Kyambadde (2nd Left), Dr Juma Kasozi (2nd Right) and Dr Jackson Efitre (Right)

During the presentations, all candidates expressed commitment to improve the College infrastructure, research, ICT, and resource mobilization. They also committed to strengthen national, international and inter-university collaborations. The candidates pledged to promote learner centred curriculum; teamwork; equal opportunities, and gender equality. Other key commitments included; enhancing industry partnerships; and ensuring full implementation of the 2020-2030 Strategic Plan that aims to transform Makerere into a research-led University.

Once appointed, the Principal and Deputy Principal will serve a four-year renewable term.

Compiled by Hasifa Kabejja - Principal Communication Officer, CoNAS

Commemorating World Fisheries Day - Stakeholders call for more investment in fish farming

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 11/29/2021 - 04:12
Commemorating World Fisheries Day - Stakeholders call for more investment in fish farming webadmin Mon, 11/29/2021 - 15:12

Theme of the 2021 World Fisheries Day celebrations: “Recognizing and Supporting the Contribution and Sustainable Development of Small Scale Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture”

Dr Jackson Efitre explaining to the Minister how the solar tent drier works 

The World Fisheries Day celebrated on 21st November annually presents an opportunity for stakeholders in the fishing industry to reflect on the state of Fisheries resources.

On 22nd November 2021, Uganda joined the rest of the world to commemorate the day. The celebrations to mark the day were held at St. Isidoro (Negri) Bar-Dege, Layibi Division in Gulu City. The event was presided over by the Minister of State for Fisheries, Hon. Hellen Adoa and attended by major actors in the fisheries industry in Uganda as well as political and religious leaders from Gulu District.  

Highlighting the achievements and challenges faced by the fisheries sector globally, participants expressed concern over the continued depletion of fish from water bodies as a result illegal and unregulated fishing methods.

The NutriFish Uganda project team with the Minister

Addressing participants, the Minister of State for Fisheries, Hon. Hellen Adoa called for more investment in fish farming to salvage the industry. “The fishing sector is faced with numerous challenges. The persistent use of illegal fishing gears and methods has resulted in catching and processing of immature fish. This has led to the decline of fish stocks reducing fish catches and consequently undermining the contribution of the sector to the economy," she explained, calling on the general public to embrace aquaculture. "Uganda is well endowed with water resources, good climate and raw materials for the production of fish feeds. With all these, we are well positioned to undertake aquaculture. Aquaculture can be practiced on commercial scale, in ponds, tanks and cages and has great potential to fill the gap created by the declining fish catches from natural water bodies. It also has potential to provide employment," she noted.

The Minister acknowledged the support rendered various actors towards the development of the fishing industry, one of the country’s major foreign exchange earners.

The Minister touring the exhibition stall of NutriFish Uganda, a project under Makerere University Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences

Emphasizing the contribution of the Fisheries Sector to the economy, the Commissioner Fisheries at the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Ms Joyce Ikwaput Nyeko called for concerted efforts to address the challenges affecting the industry. "Uganda is blessed with a lot of water resources with 20% of our surface area covered by lakes, rivers, swamps, and has potential to provide 1.7 million tonnes from both aquaculture and capture fisheries. This is however undermined by numerous challenges including unregulated fishing, lost fish habitats and global warming. This calls for drastic interventions to sustain the industry,” she said. Currently, Uganda exports fish worth 177 million USD and is second to coffee in foreign exchange earnings from non-traditional exports. The fishing industry in Uganda provides employment to 1.2 million people and supports 5.3 million people. Besides the commercial benefits, fish and fisheries products play an important role in food and nutritional security around the world. 

Graduates from Community Aquaculture schools in Gulu and Arua Districts pose for a group photo with the minister after receiving their certificates

Representing Hauge Aqua, Dr Ronald Semyalo, a Lecturer at the Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University called for more training and skilling of youth in Fisheries and Aquaculture as a measure to minimize unemployment. The Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, Makerere University supports training in fisheries and aquaculture at various institutions in the country.


As part of the activities to mark the day, key stakeholders in the fishing industry including the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries; the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO); NutriFish Uganda; and the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) showcased some of their products.

Dr Jackson Efitre engages other participants during the World Fisheries Day celebrations

Exhibition by NutriFish Uganda

Supported by the International Research Development Centre (IDRC) and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) through their joint programme, Cultivate Africa's Future Fund (CultiAF), NutriFish aims to address the nutritional needs of vulnerable groups that cannot afford expensive commercial fish but are in critical need of high quality nutritious diets.

As key stakeholders in Uganda's fishing industry, the project team led by Dr Jackson Efitre actively participated in the exhibition to mark World Fisheries Day in Gulu City. At their stall, the researchers showcased some of their products from small pelagic fish, actively engaging and explaining to participants the nutritional benefits and the product flow process of the fish. Some of the products showcased included, composite flour enriched with mukene (silver fish), Baghia from Nile Perch, fish sauce with mukene, instant porridge enriched with mukene, fish seasoning with mukene, mukene snack and the solar tent drier.

Traditional dancers entertain guests during the celebrations to mark World Fisheries Day

Graduation Ceremony – Award of a Certificate in Community Aquaculture, Level 1 

During the ceremony, 100 students from two community aquaculture schools in Arivu, Arua District and at St. Isidoro Farm in Gulu District graduated with a Certificate in Community Aquaculture, Level 1. The graduation ceremony was presided over by Gulu Archdiocese Archbishop, His Grace John Baptist Odama.

The two schools were established with support from Caritas International as part of the contribution of the Catholic Church towards the development of aquaculture in Uganda, and eradication of poverty and hunger in line with sustainable development goals 1 and 2. The project aims to uplift the lives of the vulnerable and unemployed youth and women through creating skills in fish farming, entrepreneurship, and cooperatives for marketing products in the fish value chain. To date, 1,051 students have completed training at these schools.

In his remarks, the National Director, Caritas Uganda, Msgr Dr. Francis Ndamira appreciated the support rendered by Makerere University Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences towards the training of students.

Compiled by Hasifa Kabejja, Principal Communication Officer

Mak-CoNAS researchers launch project to explore forage resources for stingless bees in Uganda

Latest News from CoNAS - Tue, 11/23/2021 - 05:40
Mak-CoNAS researchers launch project to explore forage resources for stingless bees in Uganda webadmin Tue, 11/23/2021 - 16:40


The products from stingless bees may be little but are so valuable. Stingless bees have many benefits to various sectors of the economy including the Health and Agricultural sectors. The project titled –

“Exploring Forage Resources for Stingless Bees in Uganda: The Case of Meliponula bocandei” seeks to preserve them in a bid to maximize their benefits to the economy. It is led by Dr Perpetra Akite, Lecturer in the Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, and supported by the Government of Uganda through the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF).

The Principal Investigator, Dr Perpetra Akite briefs participants about the project

Launch of the project

Researchers from the Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University on 18th November 2021 launched a project to explore forage resources for Stingless bees in Uganda, with special focus on the Meliponula bocandei species. The launch held at the National Livestock Resources Research Institute (NaLIRRI) in Nakyesasa, Wakiso District was presided over by the Commissioner, Entomology at the Ministry of Agricultural, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Mr Lawrence Tusimomuhangi. It was graced by among others, the current Head, Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, Dr Eric Sande, and former heads, Prof. William Banage, Prof. Gilbert Isabirye Basuta and Prof. Anne Mary Akol.

Mr Lawrence Tusimomuhangi, Commissioner, Entomology at MAAIF presided over the launch

Supported by the Government of Uganda through the Makerere University Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF), the project seeks to profile forage resources for Meliponula bocandei in the Western highlands and Lake Victoria Crescent AEZs of Uganda. It also aims to characterize pollen in honey of Meliponula bocandei collected from the Western highlands and Lake Victoria Crescent AEZs of Uganda. Under the project, the researchers plan to develop a Meliponula bocandei beekeeping calendar for Uganda. Once developed, the beekeeping calendar will guide farmers on the approximate date and duration of the blossoming periods of the important honey and pollen plants in their area, and the kind of flowers available for the bees in the course of the year.

The study follows two previous research projects that sought to domesticate stingless bees in Uganda and to explore the nutritional and medicinal values of their products.

According to the research team, stingless bees present enormous benefits to the Health and Agricultural Sectors. Their products have high nutritional and medicinal values. The pollination services associated with the stingless beekeeping industry can boost crop production especially in the urban settings. The stingless beekeeping industry also has great potential to generate employment. However, the continued destruction of the environment through deforestation and soil pollution presents a major challenge to the survival of the bees since they feed on restricted plant species. It is on this basis that the researchers have set out to study and preserve forage resources for stingless bees.

Participants tour the Meliponary at NaLIRRI

Expected outcomes

Presenting the outline of their study, the Principal Investigator, Dr Perpetra Akite said the project would largely contribute to the development of the stingless beekeeping industry in Uganda. “The project will impact positively at several frontiers, especially on the role played by stingless bees in crop pollination for food security. Scientists and other key actors will benefit from the knowledge generated from this action research on the identification of forage for stingless bees in Africa, and the economy will largely improve due to increased participation in stingless bee enterprises,” she noted. Other expected outcomes include; a baseline information and platform for developing stingless bee forage in Uganda, a stingless beekeeping calendar to promote meliponiculture and improvement in livelihoods.

Appeal by MAAIF

Addressing participants, the Commissioner, Entomology at the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Mr. Lawrence Tusimomuhangi applauded the researchers for the initiative. “The Government is deeply interested in insect related interventions. However, many questions in the area of entomology remain unanswered. There is need for substantive research into productive insects and Makerere should lead on this.  We need to invent technologies for continuous production of insects like grasshoppers that have high commercial benefits. The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries is relying on Makerere and other research institutions to guide on the development of appropriate technologies for insect management interventions, and the promotion of agro industrialization in line with the National Development Plan III that seeks to promote sustainable industrialization for inclusive growth, employment and wealth creation,” he noted.

 One of the stingless beehives at NaLIRRI

During the engagements, participants observed that there was need to study the behaviour of stingless bees at different locations and variations in seasons before designing the beekeeping calendar. They also noted that it is important to collect data during both the dry and wet seasons for better results. Additionally, participants called for studies on the toxicological effects of agrochemicals on stingless bees.

Appreciation to the Government of Uganda and Mak-RIF

In his remarks, the Head, Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences at Makerere University, Dr Eric Sande commended the research team for writing a successful project. He appreciated the Government of Uganda for the enormous support towards research activities at Makerere. “Exploring Forage Resources for Stingless Bees in Uganda: A Case of Meliponula bocandei is one of over 700 projects that have so far been supported by the Government of Uganda through Mak-RIF.

Dr Sande acknowledged the presence of the former heads at the event and their continued support towards the development of the Department.

The Principal Investigator, Dr Perpetra Akite with participants at the meliponary

NaLIRRI, Mak-CoNAS collaboration

Briefing participants on the NaLIRRI, the representative of the Director, Dr Patrice Kasangaki appreciated the long standing collaboration between the Institute and Makerere University Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences. The Department has collaborated with the NaLIRRI on several research projects and continues to offer practical training as well as supervision of students. NaLIRRI supported the department in research on domesticating stingless bees and exploring the nutritional and medicinal values of their products. The Institute has also pledged support for the current project aimed at exploring forage resources for stingless bees in Uganda.

As part of the project launch activities, participants toured the meliponary at NaLIRRI to learn more about the preservation of stingless bees. 

Compiled by Hasifa Kabejja, Principal Communication Officer, CoNAS

Call for Applications: Cag University, Turkey fully-funded Masters Scholarships

Latest News from CoNAS - Fri, 11/12/2021 - 01:45
Call for Applications: Cag University, Turkey fully-funded Masters Scholarships webadmin Fri, 11/12/2021 - 12:45

Makerere University, in partnership with Cag University, Turkey invites applications from suitable candidates from Uganda for a fully-funded Masters Scholarship for the 2021/2022 Academic year.

The programme is funded by Erasmus+ Programme under ICM /Erasmus+ KA 107 project.  The programme supports students and staff in the frame of International Credit Mobility / KA107 * Cooperation on academic and cultural research. The Erasmus+ Programme aims at promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating access to participants with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities compared to their peers. It is expected that upon graduation scholarship beneficiaries can proactively contribute towards socio—economic transformation of their communities.

Target Scholarship beneficiaries and criteria for the scholarship

  • The applicant must hold a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, International Relations and Globalization, Finance and Banking, International Trade and Marketing, Public Law, or Private Law from an accredited and reorganized institution, with a minimum of an Upper Second Class or its equivalent
  • The Applicant must be a citizen and resident of Uganda at the time of the application and ready to stay and work in Uganda upon completion of the study
  • The applicant should have at least a one-year work experience in the field of study
  • Should be below 35 years of age at the time of applying
  • Must be from a genuinely poor, vulnerable or disadvantage socio-economic background
  • Must be ready to take on fulltime studentship at Cag University, Mersin Turkey
  • Should demonstrate specific interest in pursuing a career in the field of choice
  • Female applicants, people with disabilities, individuals from ethnic minority and marginalised communities are strongly encouraged to apply

Value of Scholarship

For successful applicants, funding will cover the following areas:  

  • Participation costs (e.g., tuition/registration fees) of students
  • Research costs (e.g., field work, laboratory consumables)  
  • Subsistence allowance: Masters.: 800 Euro per month  
  • Economy class roundtrip flight ticket and visa costs  
  • Insurance (Health, accident, and travel) 

Scholarship conditions

  • Three (3) scholarships are available in this call
  • The award covers only specified period for the Erasmus+ project
  • The scholarship does not cover costs associated with retakes. Being asked to stay put due to poor academic performance automatically leads to cancellation of the scholarship
  • Failure to complete studies and graduate within stipulated programme period without sound reason (unrelated to illness or other such conditions) will lead to automatic cancellation of the scholarship and under certain circumstances, a refund be demanded
  • Every beneficially is expected to exhibit extemporary conduct both in and outside the University

How to apply

The complete application form and supporting documents must be submitted by Tuesday, 30th November 2021 to the following email addresses: or or Hand delivered to The Secretary, Department of Chemistry, Makerere University.

Application Form

To access the application form,  visit the Makerere University Admission URL

Submit: Certified copies of academic degrees and official transcripts, 2 paged CV, a formal identity document e.g. passport, national identity card, driver license or any other officially recognized form of identification indicating your nationality, 250 words motivation stating why you should be awarded a scholarship, two reference letters (one academic and one non-academic). The academic referee must be able to attest to your academic standing. 

Application Deadline:  

The deadline for submission of applications is 30th November 2021. Submitted applications will be acknowledged within 3 working days. Successful Applicants will be informed about the outcome of the competitive selection process by email on or before 10th December 2021. 


Incomplete applications will not be considered.

For Further Information

In case of any questions regarding the programme or your application, kindly contact the following: Prof. George Nyakairu (Coordinator), Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University or visit the links below for information on programmes offered at Cag University.



Call for Applications: Cag University, Turkey fully-funded Masters Scholarships

Latest News from CoNAS - Fri, 11/12/2021 - 00:23
Call for Applications: Cag University, Turkey fully-funded Masters Scholarships webadmin Fri, 11/12/2021 - 11:23

Makerere University, in partnership with Cag University, Turkey invites applications from suitable candidates from Uganda for a fully-funded Masters Scholarship for the 2021/2022 Academic year.

The programme is funded by Erasmus+ Programme under ICM /Erasmus+ KA 107 project.  The programme supports students and staff in the frame of International Credit Mobility / KA107 * Cooperation on academic and cultural research. The Erasmus+ Programme aims at promoting equity and inclusion by facilitating access to participants with disadvantaged backgrounds and fewer opportunities compared to their peers. It is expected that upon graduation scholarship beneficiaries can proactively contribute towards socio—economic transformation of their communities.

Target Scholarship beneficiaries and criteria for the scholarship

  • The applicant must hold a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, International Relations and Globalization, Finance and Banking, International Trade and Marketing, Public Law, or Private Law from an accredited and reorganized institution, with a minimum of an Upper Second Class or its equivalent
  • The Applicant must be a citizen and resident of Uganda at the time of the application and ready to stay and work in Uganda upon completion of the study
  • The applicant should have at least a one-year work experience in the field of study
  • Should be below 35 years of age at the time of applying
  • Must be from a genuinely poor, vulnerable or disadvantage socio-economic background
  • Must be ready to take on fulltime studentship at Cag University, Mersin Turkey
  • Should demonstrate specific interest in pursuing a career in the field of choice
  • Female applicants, people with disabilities, individuals from ethnic minority and marginalised communities are strongly encouraged to apply

Value of Scholarship

  • For successful applicants, funding will cover the following areas: 
  • Participation costs (e.g., tuition/registration fees) of students
  • Research costs (e.g., field work, laboratory consumables) 
  • Subsistence allowance: Masters.: 800 Euro per month 
  • Economy class roundtrip flight ticket and visa costs 
  • Insurance (Health, accident, and travel)

Scholarship conditions

  • Three (3) scholarships are available in this call
  • The award covers only specified period for the Erasmus+ project
  • The scholarship does not cover costs associated with retakes. Being asked to stay put due to poor academic performance automatically leads to cancellation of the scholarship
  • Failure to complete studies and graduate within stipulated programme period without sound reason (unrelated to illness or other such conditions) will lead to automatic cancellation of the scholarship and under certain circumstances, a refund be demanded
  • Every beneficially is expected to exhibit extemporary conduct both in and outside the University

How to apply

The complete application form and supporting documents must be submitted by Tuesday, 30th November 2021 to the following email addresses: or or Hand delivered to The Secretary, Department of Chemistry, Makerere University.

Application Form

To access the application form, visit the Makerere University Admission URL

Submit: Certified copies of academic degrees and official transcripts, 2 paged CV, a formal identity document e.g. passport, national identity card, driver license or any other officially recognized form of identification indicating your nationality, 250 words motivation stating why you should be awarded a scholarship, two reference letters (one academic and one non-academic). The academic referee must be able to attest to your academic standing.

Application Deadline: 

The deadline for submission of applications is November 30th, 2021. Submitted applications will be acknowledged within 3 working days. Successful Applicants will be informed about the outcome of the competitive selection process by email on or before 10th December 2021.


Incomplete applications will not be considered.

For Further Information

In case of any questions regarding the programme or your application, kindly contact the following: Prof. George Nyakairu (Coordinator), Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University or visit the links below for information on programmes offered at Cag University.


Call for Applications - Cag University, Turkey fully-funded Masters Scholarships.pdf



Mak-CoNAS proposed amendments to the Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill, 2021

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 11/03/2021 - 05:05
Mak-CoNAS proposed amendments to the Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill, 2021 webadmin Wed, 11/03/2021 - 15:05 Dr Jackson Efitre (C), Dr Eric Sande (R) and Dr Juliet Nattabi Kigongo (L) during the presentation at Parliament

Fish has been identified as one of the 10 priority agricultural commodities to foster a sustainable agro-industrialization agenda in Uganda because of its contribution to national GDP (3%), agricultural GDP (12%), employment (5.3 million people), nutrition (about 50% of animal protein), and foreign exchange revenues (USD $147.75m, September 2020). Despite the enormous potential for fish production, with approximately 44,000 km2 (20%) of Uganda’s total surface area covered by freshwaters (lakes, rivers and swamps), the fisheries resources are currently under-exploited due to over-reliance on capture fisheries and limited investments in aquaculture. As of 2018, production from capture fisheries and aquaculture stood at 447,059 tonnes and 120,000 tonnes, respectively. This leaves a deficit of 302,941tonnes (capture fisheries) and 888,000 tonnes (aquaculture) of fish needed to achieve the Government’s target of increasing capture fisheries and aquaculture to 1.7 million tonnes annually by 2030. According to researchers from the Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences, College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS), Makerere University, the proposed Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill, 2021 should address the constraint by diversifying fish production systems and fish products. The Bill should also support the building and strengthening of human capacity in a bid to create a critical mass of fisheries and aquaculture professionals with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to transform the sector from subsistence to commercial enterprise.

In a bid to consolidate and reform the law relating to the management of Fisheries, fisheries products and aquaculture as a measure to transform the sector in the country, the Sectoral Committee of Parliament on Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries is engaging several stakeholders for amendments to the proposed Fisheries and Aquaculture Bill, 2021.

On 2nd November 2021, members of staff from the Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences at Makerere University, together with their counterparts from Busitema University and the Fisheries Training Institute, Entebbe presented their proposed amendments to members of the Committee led by Abim District Woman MP, Hon. Janet Akech, and Ngora Woman MP, Hon. Stella Apolot Isodo. The team was led by the Deputy Principal of CoNAS, Prof. Fredrick Muyodi. Other members included; Dr Eric Sande, Head Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences; Dr Jackson Efitre, Senior Lecturer in the Department and Principal Investigator NutriFish Project; Dr Juliet Nattabi Kigongo and Dr Gladys Bwanika members of staff in the Department, Mr. Odongo Joseph Ouma, Senior Trainer at the Fisheries Training Institute in Entebbe; and Mr Kajubi Enock, Lecturer at Maritime Institute Busitema University.

Mak-CoNAS members of staff from the Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences interfacing with Parliamentarians 

Concerns and proposed amendments

In their submission, the team noted that the Bill was silent on a number of issues including capacity building, the role of training and research institutions in sustainable fisheries and aquaculture management, research and innovations in all aspects of fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the protection of wetlands that play crucial roles in water purification, act as breeding sites for fish and provide refugia for threatened fish species. They also observed that the Bill remained silent about the protection of water catchment areas often endangered by activities such as agriculture, urbanization and industrialization. The Bill is also silent about the adulteration of fish and fish products that are used for human consumption and animal feeds. The team also expressed concern over the consistent mix up of capture fisheries and aquaculture terminologies in the Bill, and the selective regulation of the sector. The team made several proposals including the need to increase funding towards capacity building programmes at Universities and tertiary institutions engaged in fisheries and aquaculture training. “Whereas the country has 480 landing sites, only 30 graduates are churned out per year and all these are consumed by one company. There is need to increase funding for academic training in the fisheries and aquaculture,” they noted. The team called for mapping and improvement of water catchment areas, improvement of handling, processing and packaging of fish products, and discouragement of harvesting using environmentally unsafe technology.

The Chair of the Sectoral Committee of Parliament on Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Hon Janet Akech, and Ngora District Woman MP, Hon. Stella Apolot Isodo 

Other concerns and suggestions

Food and nutrition - In addition, the team is concerned that the Bill seems to focus on maximising production and income generation with little consideration of the sector’s potential contribution to healthy diets, nutrition and sustainability. According to the team, benefits of fish consumption to human health are enormous. Particularly, the small fish contain considerable micronutrients, vitamins and fatty acids. Deficiencies of these micronutrients is associated with malnutrition which is a serious development challenge in Uganda.

Proposal: The researchers suggested that the Bill should advocate for inclusive and nutrition-sensitive fisheries and aquaculture management regulations.

Small pelagic fishes

The researchers also expressed concern that the Bill seems to focus mainly on large fish species and aquaculture with less attention paid to small pelagic fishes, fish products and by products.

The draft ASSP III (2020/21-24/25) proposes to develop four components of the fisheries and aquaculture sector in Uganda; 1) Promoting the recovery of the large commercial species; 2) Promoting Commercial aquaculture; 3) Developing the fishery of small pelagic fishes; and 4) Development and promotion of other fish products and by-products. Since the four components differ in terms of harvesting technology, processing and preservation methods, the researchers call for interventions to address challenges specific to the small pelagic fishery.

Proposals: i) The researchers called for the improvement of quality, safety and processing standards of small pelagic fish products for human consumption and animal feeds; discouragement of deliberate adulteration of catches of small fishes with sand and other contaminant; and the promotion of safe and client-oriented cost-effective climate resilient processing technologies such as the solar tent dryer); ii) improvement of access to marketing information and high value profitable markets for small pelagic fishes; iii) discouragement of harvesting of small pelagic fishes using environmentally unfriendly technologies such as use of paraffin lanterns to attract the fish; iv) development of improved user-friendly processing, handling and packaging of other fish product and by-products.

The CoNAS team handing some of their products to Hon. Janet Akech

Enforcement of fisheries regulations by other agencies

The researchers suggested that the Fisheries and Aquaculture regulations should stem from key guiding scientific principles. Other agencies such as the UPDF, that is currently enforcing the fisheries regulations may not have the requisite knowledge in fisheries and aquaculture. Proposals: The researchers proposed that the Fisheries Protecting Unit (FPU) that is currently leading enforcement of fisheries regulations in the country should be equipped with requisite knowledge in fisheries and aquaculture by a competent academic institution. They also suggested that Fisheries professionals already working in the sector may undertake paramilitary training by UPDF, after which they can enforce fisheries laws and regulations.

Other recommendations include;

Policy and principles

The researchers advised that the constraints to the fisheries and aquaculture should include high post-harvest fish losses, pollution, climate variability and change, poor quality fish feeds and fry/fingerlings, fish diseases, and lack of knowledge of Best Management Practices.

Functions of the Directorate of Fisheries

Whereas the National Fisheries Resources Research Institute is mandated to generate and disseminate appropriate technologies, knowledge and information through conducting fisheries research, the researchers proposed that the Directorate of Fisheries consultation and coordination on research should be broadened to other institutions conducting fisheries research and innovations.    

Prof. Fredrick Muyodi and Dr Gladys Bwanika during the engagement

 Establishment of Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Unit

The researchers suggested that the discipline of majority of members of the Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance unit should be Fisheries and Aquaculture related.

Aquatic Biosecurity and Biosafety - Sustainable Use and Management of Fisheries Resources

In addition to Fisheries regulation and control, Co-management Structures, Information and planning, the researchers proposed that the Bill should include clauses on Aquatic Biosecurity and Biosafety.

Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Committee

The omission of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Training Institutions on the technical committee is an oversight given their roles in capacity building, research and innovation. Universities and vocational training institutes play a crucial role in capacity building, research and innovation that is important in the conservation and management of the fisheries resources. Proposal: It was suggested that the Committee should have one representative from the Fisheries and Aquaculture Tertiary Training Institutions (Universities and vocational training institutions).

Dr Abed Bwanika making submissions on the Bill

Licenses and permits

 Research Fishing Permit - The Bill requires that anyone involved in fishing for research must obtain a permit from the Chief Fisheries Officer.  Proposal: Research is not a commercial business, it simply contributes knowledge to guide the sustainable development and conservation of the fisheries resources. The Chief Fisheries Officer should therefore exempt all public research and training institutions from seeking and obtaining permits.

Import or Export permits for live fish

The Chief Fisheries Officer may refuse to grant an import permit if the fish to be imported- (a) Presents a danger of degradation of native species through the influx of exotic genes that are less fit, either by means of hybridization or hypothetically by gene transfer; or (b) Presents a danger of loss of native species or change in species composition through competition, predation and habitat degradation. Proposal: There is need to streamline this regulation indicating the terms and conditions under which importation of live fish species is allowed.  

In their remarks, the Parliamentarians appreciated the researchers for the commendable input. On the need to increase funding for capacity building, the Parliamentarians advised Universities to present their training needs to the Ministry of Education and Sports. The MPs as well noted the need for a law to regulate the fisheries and aquaculture profession.


Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 11/01/2021 - 23:08
AWaRMN LAUNCH HELD ON 20TH OCTOBER 2021 webadmin Tue, 11/02/2021 - 09:08

African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN) is a project funded under the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme of the European Union. It supports students and staff mobility with the main objective of enhancing human capital development in Africa, while strengthening intra-African cooperation in higher education as called for by the Agenda 2063. The main focus of the program is on water resources with special emphasis on water resources management, improving water resources, water treatment and safety. The partner institutions on the AWaRMN project include: Makerere University, Uganda; Rhodes University, South Africa; University of Technology, Nigeria; University of Kinshasa, Congo, School of Hydraulics, Algeria and Delft University, Netherlands.

The African continent is facing multiple water-related challenges, including declining water quantity and quality, inadequate governance and institutional structures, declining monitoring networks, increasing resource use in the face of a growing human population, and increasing resource variability associated with future changing climates. AWaRMN was set up to address the pressing water-related needs on the African continent through:

  • Transdisciplinary, socially-engaged training embedded in existing programmes within partner institutions, ensuring an increase in the number of highly qualified and competent graduates (MSc and PhD) in the field of water resources in Africa;
  • Developing and harmonizing programmes and curricula, with a particular emphasis on disciplinary excellence and transdisciplinary capability;
  • Building and sustaining teaching and research capabilities among partner institutions;
  • Designing and implementing research programmes based on collaboration and cooperation during, and beyond, the AWARMN funding;
  • Facilitating student and staff mobility to promote multiculturalism and internationalization among African institutions of higher learning;
  • Contributing to innovation and water technologies that advance social-economic development of Africa and;
  • Addressing the professional career development and employability of graduates by creating a direct interface between AWARMN and industry partners.

The mobility network funds students to study from another partner institution in order to promote the idea of mobility with emphasis on knowledge transfer, resource sharing, information sharing and mentoring. In this respect, a student from Uganda cannot study from Uganda rather he can study from South Africa, Nigeria, Algeria or Congo. Currently the programme is sponsoring three (3) graduate students in Uganda, one (1) PhD student from Kenya, one (1) PhD student from Nigeria and one (1) master’s student from Nigeria. Uganda sent three (3) PhD students to Rhodes University, South Africa; one (1) student to Nigeria and one (1) to Algeria.

Issues Arising from the Launch

AWaRMN project was launched virtually on 20th October 2021 at an event hosted by Rhodes University, South Africa, the lead partners of the project. A number of participants attended the launch including the Minister of Education and Sports, Uganda, Hon. Janet Kataha Museveni represented by the Minister of State for Higher Education, Uganda, Hon./Dr. J.C. Muyingo, representatives from all partner countries, European Commission representatives, African Union representative and vice chancellors from partner universities.

In his opening remarks, the Vice Chancellor, Rhodes University, Dr. Sizwe Mabizela emphasized the importance of partnerships for sustainable development and the much needed interventions to respond to water challenges. According to Dr. Mabizela, partnerships provide huge amount of opportunities, facilitate change of knowledge expertise for collective benefits and strengthen partner institutions’ research capacity. Dr. Mabizela noted the need to defer from the convectional way of doing things in order to address the complex challenges facing the African continent.

In her remarks in regard to “The contribution of European Union (EU) to the African Union (AU) Agenda 2063”, Ms. Eleonora Martinello, Director General International Partnership, European Commission, emphasized the need to harmonize academic programmes as well as encouraging free movement of people in Africa. She also called for the creation of a common academic space to prepare graduates with the right skills to match the future job opportunities.

Dr. J.C. Muyingo who participated in a panel discussion on “The contribution of the Intra-Africa mobility scheme to agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” acknowledged support by the Government of Uganda for providing a conducive environment to the mobility scheme. “The government has created a conducive environment to facilitate free movement of international students with no travel restrictions despite the Covid-19 pandemic. The government also provides funding to the higher education sector in form of refurbishing and re-equipping the laboratories; payment of staff salaries, academic freedom and research funding,” Dr Muyingo explained. Commenting on the importance of mobility in the realization of the SDGs and AU Agenda 2063”, Dr. Muyingo aligned the AWaRMN objectives with a number of UN Sustainable Development Goals and the AU agenda 2063. Dr Muiyingo observed that the AWaRMN objectives directly contributes to three (3) SDGs including SDG4 – Promotion of quality education, SDG6 – Provision of clean water and sanitation and SDG17 – Promotion of partnerships to achieve SDGs. Dr Muyingo further noted that the AWaRMN scheme ably contributes to Aspiration Number One of the AU Agenda 2063, through promotion of human capacity building and access to safe water. Further, Dr. Muyingo highlighted that the graduate students on the AWaRMN Project in Uganda are working on technologies for purification of drinking water and treatment of industrial effluents. Dr. Muyingo informed participants that the policy statements in Uganda encourage collaboration with partner states. “The Education Ministry in Uganda supports and works closely with the Inter-University Council of East Africa, which promotes collaboration between Member Universities in East Africa,” he noted. Dr. Muyingo informed participants that the Government of Uganda is developing a white paper which will help to further streamline issues of academic mobility and collaboration.

The Vice Chancellors from six (6) partner institutions participated in panel two (2) discussions on “The Benefits and Challenges of Intra-Africa Academic Mobility to Internationalization and Water Research”.

The Vice Chancellor, Rhodes University, South Africa, Dr. Sizwe Mabizela noted that his university has a water research institute which has greatly contributed to the scheme as well as water related research. Dr. Mabizela emphasized the need to develop strong ties with our former colonialists in order to develop our research capacity, knowledge transfer and expertise. He noted the need to subvert regardless of what the interest of the colonial agenda of dividing was. “As Africa, there is need to come together and leave aside our differences,” he cautioned. Further, Dr. Mabizela emphasized the need for an integrated Africa with free movement, harmonized academic quality and quality assurance. Dr. Mabizela further emphasized the need for internationalization as key with limited political and geographical border influence to encourage knowledge transfer and cultural exchange. According to Dr. Mabizela, there is no need for Africans to go to Europe for expertise with such an opportunity.

The Vice Chancellor, Federal University of Technology, Minna Nigeria, Prof. Abdullahi Bala emphasized the importance of combining resources to address water related issues. According to Prof. Bala, the mobility enhances internationalization of students across Africa.

In his remarks presented by the Director of Research and Graduate Training, Prof. Buyinza Mukadasi, the Vice Chancellor of Makerere University, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe noted that the (AWaRMN)  project was at the core of Makerere University’s research agenda. “Makerere has been involved in previous partnerships related to water research like the Bergen funding on the Nile Basin and Water for Life funded by Irish Society. The mobility is an opportunity to enhance international visibility, capacity building, mobility of faculty and students, knowledge transfer and co-supervision of students,” he noted. In order to improve on the programme, the Vice Chancellor called for joint degree programmes as well as harmonization of academic programmes across Africa, academic credit transfer, establishment of industrial linkages and design of a research agenda that goes beyond the long term objectives with special emphasis on water and biodiversity.  

The Dean Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Prof. Aukje Hassolt was represented by Prof. Slinger who emphasized the need for close supervision of graduate students, common teaching modalities and knowledge exchange. She also emphasized the need to involve research administrators in teaching administration in order to enable sharing of previous research knowledge.

Panel two (2) discussions were followed by a presentation from Prof. Raphael Tshimanga, Coordinator, Local Project Management Committee, University of Kinshasa. Prof. Tshimanga emphasized the need for a transdisciplinary approach to addressing water related challenges given the fact that water cross-cuts across all sectors. Prof. Tshimanga noted the gross disparities in water accessibility that need to be eliminated. According to Prof. Tshimanga, there is limited water for use in various sectors and climate change has accelerated gross water resources accessibility disparities.

Ms. Deirdre Lennan, Policy Officer, Cooperation with Africa Directorate General for Education and Culture, European Commission, noted that education in Europe is a national competence with the same credit systems across Europe. Ms. Deirdre emphasized the need to adopt a credit transfer system at a programme level across African universities.

In his closing remarks, Dr. Peter Clayton, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Administration, Rhodes University, conveyed his appreciation to all partnering institutions, funders and his colleagues at Rhodes University for the initiative.


  1. Differences in the curricula and programme structures among African Universities
  • Differences in course durations
  • Differences in the course content
  • Limited adoption of open distance and e-learning as a mode of instruction across African countries
  1. Lack of the required equipment for water related research
  2. Differences in accreditations


  • Institutions need to work with the respective ministry of Education and Sports as well as the National Council for Higher Education to ensure that all approved programmes are harmonized with those of partner institutions
  • There in need to harmonize teaching modalities and assessment of students
  • There is need for a framework to harmonize the differences in accreditations
  • Call for equipping and refurbishing of laboratories to ensure that students from partner institutions don’t lack much
  • There is need for governments to support staff in terms of movement clearances and granting staff on the mobility scheme sabbatical leave to spend time in other countries

Funding By African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN) Programme - Second Cohort MSc/MTech

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 10/21/2021 - 07:26
Funding By African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN) Programme - Second Cohort MSc/MTech webadmin Thu, 10/21/2021 - 17:26

We are pleased to announce the launch of the African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN) Programme - Second Cohort MSc/MTech targeted call, re-advertisement call.

  • Internal Submission Deadline: Sunday, 31 October, 2021
  • Award Cycle: 2022
  • Discipline/Subject Area: Water Resources Management
  • PLEASE NOTE:: ALL CURRENCY IS IN EUROS AND NOT IN USD (even when the $ symbol appears).
  • Description:

    Applications are invited from suitably qualified and outstanding candidates for full-time study in any of the Postgraduate academic mobility scholarship programmes of the AWaRMN under the following Higher Education Institutions in the AWaRMN partnership: .

    These are:

    1Makerere University, Uganda (MU)

    • M.Sc. Chemistry

    2. University of Kinshasa, Congo (UNIKIN)

    • M.Sc. Water Resources

    3. National Higher School for Hydraulics (Ecole Nationale Supéprieure d'Hydraulique) (ENSH)

    • M.Sc. Hydraulics (6 months programme)

    Type of mobility (scholarships)

    1. Degree-seeking Mobility (long-term study that leads to an award of a MSc/MTech degree).ONLY AVAILABLE AT INSTITUTIONS NUMBER 1 and 2 (MU and UNIKIN) under this call.
    2. Credit-seeking Mobility (short-term study that leads to award of credits that make up a MSc/MTech degree). ONLY AVAILABLE AT INSTITUTION NUMBER 2 and 3 (ENSH)

    Target Groups

    Group 1: Students who are registered or have previously obtained a degree from any of the AWaRMN partner institutions: RU, UNIKIN, FUTMINNA, MU, ENSH.

    Value of Scholarship

    For successful applicants, AWaRMN funding will cover the following areas:

    • Participation costs (e.g. tuition/registration fees) of students.
    • Research costs (e.g. field work, laboratory consumables).
    • Subsistence allowance: MSc/MTech: 600 Euro per month.
    • Special allowance to female students for mobility equal or more than 2 academic years, viz – MSc/MTech: 600 Euro per year.
    • Economy class roundtrip flight ticket and visa costs
    • Insurance (Health, accident and travel)
    • One-off settling-in allowance upon arrival to cover installation costs, viz – MSc/MTech: 600 Euro.

    Eligibility Criteria

    General eligibility

    • be a national of an African Union member state and resident in Africa at the time of application.

    • meet both institutional and partnership requirements for admission.

    • not have benefited from a previous scholarship under the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, or Intra-ACP Academic Mobility Scheme.

    • must be registered/admitted in or have previously obtained a degree (or equivalent) from any of the AWaRMN partnership institutions: RU, ENSH, UNIKIN, FUTMINA and MU.

    • must be prepared to move from home country to another country where AWARM has a partner institution. Scholarships are attached to mobility and therefore you cannot apply to an institution in the country where you are a citizen or where you reside.

    Academic eligibility

    Applicants must also fulfill the academic eligibility criteria of the partner institution(s) of their choice:

    I. Makerere University (Department of Chemistry), Uganda
    Applicants from countries where the language of instruction is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency in English Language.

    MSc Chemistry (2 academic years)
    Candidates should be in possession of at least an upper second-class honors degree in Chemistry or a related field from a any of the AWaRMN partner institutions. Candidates with lower qualifications will be considered for admission provided they have demonstrated academic growth in chemistry or in one of the specified options. The language of instruction is English.

    II. University of Kinshasa (Department of Natural Resources Management and the Congo Basin Water Resources Research Centre), DRC (UNIKIN)

    MSc Water Resources (2 academic years; Degree Seeking)

    Candidates are required to have at least a second-class Bachelor (BSc) degree in the field of Agricultural Engineering, Geography, Physical Planning, Hydrology, Civil Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences or a closely related field. The language of instruction is French. A working knowledge of French is required.

    MSc Water Resources (6 months credit-seeking)

    Candidates are required to be registered in their home institution for a degree programme in any of the AWaRMN partner institution with the exception of UNIKIN. Candidate must state the nature of credit to be obtained at UNIKIN.

    III Ecole Nationale Supéprieure d'Hydraulique (ENSH) - National Higher School for Hydraulics

    MSc Hydraulics (6 months mobility, credit-seeking)

    Applicants must be admitted/registered for a Master’s degree in their home institution in any of the following subjects or another relevant degree: Hydrology, Hydraulics, Water Resources Engineering/Science, Hydrogeology, and Water Quality or a closely related field. Successful candidates will be accepted to prepare their Master’s thesis at ENSH (for the last six months of the Master’s course). The languages of instruction are French and English. A working knowledge of French or/and English is required.


    Application process

    • Read the guidelines carefully here:
    • Carefully complete the online application form
    • Submit: Certified copies of academic degrees official transcripts, 2 paged CV, a formal identity document e.g. passport, national identity card, driver license or any other officially recognized form of identification indicating your nationality, 250 words motivation stating why you should be awarded a scholarship, two reference letters (one academic and one non-academic). The academic referee must be able to attest to your academic standing.

    • Note: Due to the COVID-19 situation, at the time of application, we will accept unofficial document detailing all your courses and grades/marks obtained, including final grade point average or marks). However, if you are selected, we will require the official transcript, without which we will be unable to make a final offer to you.

    • Due to the COVID-19 and closure of international borders, the partnership may elect not to award scholarship in some partner institutions depending on the prevailing circumstances.

    • Visit the AWaRMN website and apply. AWaRMN website:

    • Due to the COVID-19 situation, successful candidates will be expected to resume their study for the 2022 academic session on a rolling basis depending on the institutional circumstances.

    • Where the mobility start date is substantially delayed due to COVID-19 travel restrictions to a chosen host institution, the project management committee (PMC) reserves the right to allocate a student to another host University to overcome these delays.

      Incomplete applications will not be considered. Female applicants, people with disability(ies) or people from a socio-economically disadvantaged background are strongly encouraged to apply.

    Application Deadline:

    The deadline for submission of applications is 31 October 2021. Submitted applications will be acknowledged within 3 working days. Applicants will be informed about the outcome of the competitive selection process by email on or before 30 November 2021.

    For administrative enquiries contact AWaRMN secretariat:

    Institutional contacts:
    Rhodes University – Dr Chika Nnadozie
    Makerere University – Prof NYAKAIRU George William:
    FUTMINNA – Prof Francis Arimoro:
    UNIKIN - Prof Raphael Tshimanga:
    ENSH - Prof Mohamed Meddi:

  • Click on the link below to view the call and APPLY. Staff and current students must please login as a Rhodes University User, with their Rhodes username and password.

  • All other users will need to register (first time log in) and log in as Other Users.

    View competition

Assoc. Professor John Magero Mango - Induction as Funas

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 10/18/2021 - 04:41
Assoc. Professor John Magero Mango - Induction as Funas webadmin Mon, 10/18/2021 - 14:41

Our own Dr. John Mango Magero (Associate Professor), will be inducted as a Fellow of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences (UNAS) on the 29th October, 2021. This award is in recognition of his record of excellence in supporting the development of mathematics in Uganda and the region over the past two decades. Dr. Mango joins other faculty of the College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) who have already been awarded as fellows of UNAS. John Mango is widely published and has mobilized resources resulting into the training of close to 30 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degrees in Mathematics in Uganda, this is an outstanding record in Makerere's 100years of existence due to be celebrated in 2022. The products of Prof. Mango’s efforts are staff members at public universities of Uganda including Makerere, Busitema, Gulu, Kyambogo and Mbarara University.

In his own words, Prof. Mango said ‘he attributes his great achievements to the almost 20-year period of his close collaboration with International Science Program (ISP at Uppsala University in Sweden), eleven years of collaboration with Sida; the mentorship received from Prof. Livingstone Luboobi and five Nordic professors- Leif Abrahamsson, Bengt Ove Turesson, Peter Sundin, Paul Vaderlind and Matti Helio are deep-rooted in his minds’.  He also highlighted the conducive work environment created by the Makerere University Top Management, Principal, Deans and Head of Mathematics Department of the College of Natural Sciences.  John further noted ‘he appreciates the support and friendship of all his colleagues in the Department of Mathematics, they have all supported him whenever necessary. Many thanks mathematicians!’

Mango_UNAS.docx Mango_UNAS.pdf

PhD Defense By Mr. Ssenyunzi Richard Cliffe

Latest News from CoNAS - Sat, 10/16/2021 - 08:23
PhD Defense By Mr. Ssenyunzi Richard Cliffe webadmin Sat, 10/16/2021 - 18:23





The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) can be used to derive accurately the Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) and Precipitable Water Vapour (PWV) under all-weather conditions. The derived ZTD and PWV values play a vital role in climate studies, weather forecasting and are operationally assimilated into numerical weather prediction models. In this study, GNSS data for derivation of ZTD and PWV was collected from 13 geodetic permanent stations for the years 2013 to 2016 over the East African tropical region. The 13 stations consist of 5 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations, 4 Africa Array (AA) stations, and 4 Malawi Rifting stations from Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda. The ZTD time series were processed using goGPS software version 1.0 beta1, a MATLAB based GNSS processing software, developed for kinematic and quasi static applications. The derived goGPS ZTDs were compared to the values derived from the GIPSY-OASIS via Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) online Automatic Precise Positioning Service (APPS) to assess
their accuracy. The derived goGPS ZTDs were also validated using the Unified Environmental Modeling System (UEMS) numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. The agreement between the goGPS ZTD and the UEMS NWP ZTD indicates that goGPS ZTD can be assimilated into NWP models in the East African region.

For this study, only five out of 13 GPS stations used are equipped with meteorological sensors. Alternatively, the interpolated European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 5th Re-Analysis (ERA5) dataset was also used. The ERA5 dataset at these locations was first validated using the meteorological data from the sensors available at the five stations. The interpolation and extrapolation of ERA5 data generated surface meteorological parameters with acceptable accuracies demonstrating that it can serve as a complement to the present ground based GPS meteorological observation networks. The determination of GPS PWV also requires information on the weighted mean temperature (Tm); the Tm at the 13 GPS stations was evaluated using three methods: the temperature and humidity profiles from ERA5 (ERA5 Tm), as well as the Tm derived from Bevis and Yao Tm – Ts-relationships.

The derived GPS PWV datasets were validated using the ERA5 PWV. ERA5 PWV values were used as the reference and the Root Mean Square errors (RMSE) of the two PWV values are in the range 1.35 mm to 2.25 mm with the overall average value of 1.66 mm.
 In this study, PWV, pressure, temperature and weighted mean temperature models have been developed from GPS and ERA5 data. The purpose of the developed models is to predict PW over regions with data gaps where the computation of Zenith Tropospheric Delays (ZTD) is impossible and in cases of station outages. In addition, the models will provide meteorological parameters where meteorological sensors are missing. Based on the RMSE, it was observed that the site-specific models developed can be used to provide estimates of almost the same level of accuracy compared to the measured values at the 13 stations. Despite having scattered GNSS stations in the region with data gaps, the PWV retrieval from ZTDs has been achieved.

Senyunzi Abstract.docx Senyunzi Abstract.pdf

MAKRIF Project: Surveillance Of The Potato Cyst Nematode

Latest News from CoNAS - Fri, 10/15/2021 - 02:32
MAKRIF Project: Surveillance Of The Potato Cyst Nematode webadmin Fri, 10/15/2021 - 12:32 Collecting soil and root samples from potato farm in Kisoro District, Western Uganda

Surveillance Of The Potato Cyst Nematode

Potato roots showing the presence of mature female nematodes and cysts. Extraction of the PCN from soil samples: Cysts were extracted using a Fenwick can and the float matter cleaned-up using 96% Ethanol. Surveillance of the Potato Cyst Nematode, a deadly pest of potato in Uganda: detection, identification and risk reduction measures

Duration: 1 year (Oct 2020-Nov 2021)

Funding: Government of Uganda, Makerere University Research and Innovation fund (MAKRIF)

Principle Investigator: Dr. Shahasi Y. Athman


Prof. Herbert Talwana: Department of Agricultural Production, Makerere Univ.

Dr. Prossy Namugga: NARO, Kachwekano ZARDI

Dr. Arthur Wasukira: NARO, Buginyana ZARDI

Mr. Sadik Mustafa: Dpt. of Plant Sciences, Microbiology and Biotechnology, Makerere Univ.

Project summary:

In 2015, the potato cyst nematode (PCN) was discovered in Kenya. PCN is a quarantine, difficult to control pest and a global threat to potato farming worldwide and mainly introduced through soil adhering to potatoes. Once established, it is impossible to eradicate since the cysts can survive in the soil for up to 25 years. The discovery in Kenya poses a great threat to the potato industry in Uganda due to open borders between the two countries which allows for free trade in ware and seed potato. It was speculated that the nematode could already be present in the country. Through funds provided by MAKRIF, this project was developed to determine the presence, distribution and severity of PCN infestation in the main potato growing regions in Uganda. This was conducted through a rapid diagnostic survey where soil and plant samples from potato fields were collected for determination of the presence of the PCN. It is expected that this project will generate basic information needed for prevention, containment and management of PCN in Uganda.
