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Department of Biochemistry & Sports Science

Student ID Process Guidelines

Latest News from CoNAS - Sun, 05/02/2021 - 23:51
Student ID Process Guidelines webadmin Mon, 05/03/2021 - 09:51

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University has issued guidelines for through which first year students may process and receive their Identity (ID) cards through the AIMS Portal.


AIMS Student ID service is enabled in Each Student’s Portal.

This guide highlights the process for the various ID services a student can request for via their Portal.

ID Services Enabled
  • Request For New IDs for New Students
  • Request For ID Replacement
  • File Complaint About Not Having Received An ID

a) Requesting for a New ID (New Students )

After having fullfilled all the first time registration requirements and having had their photos and signatures captured, new students have to validate their biodata on their portals before their IDs are printed as detailed below.

  1. Log Into Portal and Select the Service Requests Menu.
  1. Select ID Card Services
  1. Select New ID Option (Only Available for New Students)
  1. Validate Biodata
  1. Keep Checking on the Updates Until You are informed to Pick Up your ID.
  1. Notification to go Pickup the ID.

  2. Makerere-AR-Student_ID-Guidelines-First_Years-April2021.pdf

Student ID Process Guidelines

Latest News from CoNAS - Sun, 05/02/2021 - 23:51
Student ID Process Guidelines webadmin Mon, 05/03/2021 - 09:51

Wellcome Trust grant: Research Enrichment in Public Engagement

Funding Opportunities - Wed, 04/28/2021 - 06:12

This Wellcome Trust grant has been made available to facilitate researchers engage the public with their research. Researchers share their ideas with the public and in return get new perspectives on their research and can inspire learning, enhance research and help to improve health. The opportunity gives researchers public engagement funding of level that's justifiable for the scale and scope of their study and proposed public engagement program. The enrichment funding will end at the same time as your central Wellcome grant.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Wellcome Trust Early-Career Awards

Funding Opportunities - Wed, 04/28/2021 - 05:56

Wellcome Trust invites applications for Wellcome Early-Career Awards. This scheme provides funding for early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme. 

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Wellcome Career Development Awards

Funding Opportunities - Wed, 04/28/2021 - 05:52

Wellcome Trust invites applications for Wellcome Career Development Awards. This scheme provides funding for mid-career researchers from any discipline who have the potential to be international research leaders. They will develop their research capabilities, drive innovative programmes of work and deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Wellcome Trust Discovery Awards

Funding Opportunities - Wed, 04/28/2021 - 05:50

Wellcome Trust invites applications for Wellcome Discovery Awards. This scheme provides funding for established researchers and teams from any discipline who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

New Vision Pullout on Makerere University

Latest News from CoNAS - Fri, 04/23/2021 - 04:32
New Vision Pullout on Makerere University webadmin Fri, 04/23/2021 - 14:32

Click to download


Issuing of Student Identity Cards

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 04/22/2021 - 06:25
Issuing of Student Identity Cards webadmin Thu, 04/22/2021 - 16:25

End of On-Campus (Face-to-Face) Studies for Year Two and other Non-Finalist Students

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 04/22/2021 - 05:37
End of On-Campus (Face-to-Face) Studies for Year Two and other Non-Finalist Students webadmin Thu, 04/22/2021 - 15:37

In line with the approved programme for blended teaching & learning for Semester One 2020/2021, on-campus (face-to-face) studies for Year Two & all Non-Finalist Students will conclude on Saturday 24th April 2021 and thereafter this group will continue with online teaching and learning.

The next cohort on-campus (face-to-face) studies is Final Year Students, who are scheduled to begin physical classes from 25th April to 22nd May 2021. All students on health and veterinary sciences programmes, all Architecture and 4th year Agriculture students will continue with physical classes as per the approved staggered plan as shown in the table below.

Please note that the Semester One Examinations will begin with this cohort (Final Year Students) on 24th May to 6th June, 2021.

Period No. of
Weeks Year One
Students Year Two (&
other Non finalist)
Students Final Year
Students All Students
on Health &
Architecture &
4th Years
Agriculture 8th – 28th Feb
2021 N/A On Campus
Registration &
(22-27 Feb) Online Studies Online Studies Online Studies 1st – 27th
March 2021 4 On Campus Online Studies Online Studies On Campus 28th March –
24th April
2021 4 Online Studies On Campus Online Studies On Campus 25th April –
22nd May
2021 4 Online Studies Online Studies On Campus On Campus 24th May –
5th June 2021 2 Online
Studies Online
Studies Examinations Examinations 7th to 19th
June 2021 2 Examinations Examinations Off campus Off campus Approved programme for Blended Teaching & Learning Semester One 2020/2021


Dr. Umar Kakumba
Deputy Vice Chancellor(Academic Affairs)
19th April 2021

Undergraduate Approved Change of Courses Lists 2020/2021

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 04/22/2021 - 05:28
Undergraduate Approved Change of Courses Lists 2020/2021 webadmin Thu, 04/22/2021 - 15:28

The Office of the Academic Registrar has released lists of students whose applications for change of Programme/Course/Subject have been approved  for the Academic Year 2020/2021. Kindly note that the list for change of Subjects for Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Arts (Social Sciences)/Bachelor of Science etc is being processed, it will be published soon.

The lists includes MUBS and all its campuses.

The lists can be accessed by following the inks below:

Mak-Admissions-GOVT-Students-Allowed-to-change-subjects-2020-2021.pdf Mak-ALevel-PRIVATE-Undergraduate-Change-of-Course-2020-2021.pdf Mak-Admissions-PRIVATE-Students-Allowed-to-change-subjects-2020-2021.pdf Mak-INTERNATIONALS-Undergraduate-Change-of-Course-2020-2021.pdf Mak-Govt-Sponsorship-Undergraduate-Change-of-Course-2020-2021.pdf CHANGE-OF-PROGRAMS-2020-2021-Diploma-Degree.pdf


Biochemistry Seminars Series 

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 04/21/2021 - 10:42
Biochemistry Seminars Series  webadmin Wed, 04/21/2021 - 20:42

Title: Transmutation” of scientific milestones as a key component in building resilience and fighting unemployment in the science community in Uganda

Guest speaker: Bashir Lumala, MSc, Business Development Manager for Molbio at Science Logistics

Date: Thursday 22nd April 2021, 12 noon – 1 pm
Zoom Meeting ID 969 4083 9154  Passcode 202058

Using his own career development experiences, Mr Lumala aims to motivate young scientists to “think outside the box” regarding career options for biosciences graduates in Uganda.

Graduation Fees for 71st Graduation Ceremony

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 04/14/2021 - 02:09
Graduation Fees for 71st Graduation Ceremony webadmin Wed, 04/14/2021 - 12:09

The University Bursar writes to all students on Graduation Fees for 71st Graduation Ceremony. All students will be required to pay these fees through the student portal: student.mak.ac.ug

Announcement: Removal of Late Registration Surcharge for Semester I 2020-2021

Latest News from CoNAS - Tue, 04/13/2021 - 23:03
Announcement: Removal of Late Registration Surcharge for Semester I 2020-2021 webadmin Wed, 04/14/2021 - 09:03

To All Students

This is to inform you that there will be no late registration /surcharge for this semester for now and the functionality has been removed from the students portal. This is in regard to the Communication to Students regarding fees payment for Sem I 2020/21 of February 26, 2021.

Please make the necessary arrangements to enroll and register as soon as possible. Source

Alfred Masikye Namoah

Biochemistry Seminar

Latest News from CoNAS - Tue, 04/13/2021 - 07:19
Biochemistry Seminar webadmin Tue, 04/13/2021 - 17:19

The Department of Biochemistry has another exciting Seminar session, via Zoom:


Title: Healthy Crops and Foods: What is the Role of a Plant Pathologist?

Presenter: Dr. Pamela Paparu, Senior Research Officer, Legumes Program, National Crop Resources Research Institute, NARO

Date: Thursday 15 April

Time: 12-1 pm

Zoom Meeting ID 948 6044 7753

Passcode 997781

Dr. Pamela Paparu (PP) is a senior researcher responsible for legume pathology at NARO, working on common bean pathology since she joined NARO in 2007. Prior to this, she undertook her MSc. (IITA-Uganda and Makerere University) and PhD (IITA-Uganda and FABI, University of Pretoria), where she researched on the potential of using Fusarium oxysporum endophytes to control the banana weevil and nematodes. Her work involved developing fluorescent protein- and chemical markers for in vivo tracking of inoculated fungal endophytes; and using molecular biology techniques (cDNA-AFLPs, RT-PCRs and photometric enzyme assays) to identify genes induced in the banana plant following endophyte inoculation and Radopholus similis challenge, that may be responsible for endophyte induced resistance to the banana root burrowing nematode. In 2011 she obtained a PEARL award under BBSRC’s “Sustainable Crop Production Research for International Development – SCPRID”, establishing her as an independent Group Leader, and in 2013 she was promoted to the position of Senior Research Officer. Dr. Paparu currently works with several common bean pathogens, including Pseudocercospora griseola, Sclerotium rolfsii and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Dr. Paparu is a member of the East and Central Africa Bean Research Network and the Pan African Bean Research Alliance. She has been both PI and Co-I in several collaborative projects, including projects with researchers at CIAT-Uganda, Biodiversity International, University of Reading, UK, UC Davis, California, Michigan State and Kansas State Universities in the USA.

Dr P Paparu advert final.pdf


Lecture Timetable

Zoology Programmes - Tue, 04/13/2021 - 01:08
Categories: Programmes

DAAD Scholarship for Students from Developing Countries

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 04/09/2021 - 07:05

The MIPLC is a part of the DAAD's scholarship program for "Development-Related Postgraduate Courses". The scholarship recipients will be granted a full waiver of the MIPLC tuition and participation fee. In addition, the DAAD will pay the scholarship recipients a monthly stipend of EUR 850. As a rule, the scholarship also includes certain payments towards health, accident and liability insurance coverage in Germany. Furthermore, the DAAD will generally pay an appropriate travel allowance, unless these costs are covered by the home country or by another funding source.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

William T. Grant Scholars Program

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 04/09/2021 - 06:56

The William T. Grant Scholars Program supports career development for promising early-career researchers. The program funds five-year research and mentoring plans that significantly expand researchers’ expertise in new disciplines, methods, and content areas. Applicants should have a track record of conducting high-quality research and an interest in pursuing a significant shift in their trajectories as researchers.

Categories: Funding Opportunities
