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Department of Biochemistry & Sports Science

Continuing Students Semester One Timetable June 2020-2021

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 06/02/2021 - 04:46
Continuing Students Semester One Timetable June 2020-2021 webadmin Wed, 06/02/2021 - 14:46 EDITED CONTINUING STUDENTS' FINAL COPY SEM ONE TIMETABLE 2020-2021 JUNE 2021.pdf

African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN) Scholarship

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 06/02/2021 - 02:25
African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN) Scholarship webadmin Wed, 06/02/2021 - 12:25

Applications are invited from suitably qualified and outstanding candidates for full-time study in any of the Postgraduate academic mobility scholarship programmes of the AWaRMN under the following Higher Education Institutions in the AWaRMN partnership: .

These are:

  1. Rhodes University, South Africa (RU)

    • M.Sc. Water Resource Science

    • M.Sc. Hydrology

    2. Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria (FUTMINNA)

    • MTech Applied Hydrobiology

    • MTech Hydrogeology

    3. Makerere University, Uganda (MU)

    • M.Sc. Chemistry

    4. University of Kinshasa, Congo (UNIKIN)

    • M.Sc. Water Resources

    5. National Higher School for Hydraulics (Ecole Nationale Supéprieure d'Hydraulique) (ENSH)

    • M.Sc. Hydraulics


Type of mobility (scholarships)

  1. Degree-seeking Mobility (long-term study that leads to an award of a MSc/MTech degree).ONLY AVAILABLE AT INSTITUTIONS NUMBER 1-4 (RU, FUTMINAA, MU, UNIKIN) under this call.
  2. Credit-seeking Mobility (short-term study that leads to award of credits that make up a MSc/MTech degree). ONLY AVAILABLE AT INSTITUTION NUMBER 5 (ENSH)

Target Groups

Group 1: Students who are registered or have previously obtained a degree from any of the AWaRMN partner institutions: RU, UNIKIN, FUTMINNA, MU, ENSH.

Value of Scholarship

For successful applicants, AWaRMN funding will cover the following areas:

  • Participation costs (e.g. tuition/registration fees) of students.
  • Research costs (e.g. field work, laboratory consumables).
  • Subsistence allowance: MSc/MTech: 600 Euro per month.
  • Special allowance to female students for mobility equal or more than 2 academic years, viz – MSc/MTech: 600 Euro per year.
  • Economy class roundtrip flight ticket and visa costs
  • Insurance (Health, accident and travel)
  • One-off settling-in allowance upon arrival to cover installation costs, viz – MSc/MTech: 600 Euro.

Eligibility Criteria

General eligibility

• be a national of an African Union member state and resident in Africa at the time of application.

• meet both institutional and partnership requirements for admission.

• not have benefited from a previous scholarship under the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, or Intra-ACP Academic Mobility Scheme.

• must be registered/admitted in or have previously obtained a degree (or equivalent) from any of the AWaRMN partnership institutions: RU, ENSH, UNIKIN, FUTMINA and MU.

• must be prepared to move from home country to another country where AWARM has a partner institution. Scholarships are attached to mobility and therefore you cannot apply to an institution in the country where you are a citizen or where you reside.

Academic eligibility

Applicants must also fulfil the academic eligibility criteria of the partner institution(s) of their choice:

I. Rhodes University (Institute for Water
Research), South Africa.

MSc Water Resource Science (2 academic years)
Candidates are required to have at least a second class Bachelor Honours degree in the field of natural
sciences especially Biological Sciences (Microbiology, Zoology, Botany, Ecology), Water Resource Science/Management, Chemistry, Environmental Science, or a closely related field. The language of instruction is English. A working knowledge of English Language is required. SAQA NQF Level 8 is required.

MSc Hydrology (2 academic years)
Candidates are required to have at least a second class Bachelor Honours degree in the field of hydrology, physical sciences, geography, geology, environmental science, water engineering, or a closely related field from a recognized institution. The language of instruction is English. A working knowledge of the English Language is required. SAQA NQF Level 8 is required.

II. Federal University of Technology
(Department of Animal Biology; Department
of Geology), Minna, Nigeria (FUTMINNA)

A candidate applying for Postgraduate Studies in the Federal University of Technology, Minna must have obtained five (5) Credits in WAEC (West African Examination Council) and GCE (General Certificate Examination) (Ordinary Level) or their equivalents in their home countries in not more than two sittings.

MTech Applied Hydrobiology (18 Months)
Candidates are required to have at least a second-class Bachelor Honours degree in Zoology, Ecology, Biology, Environmental Science, Fisheries, Water Resource Science/Management, or a closely related field from a recognized institution. The language of instruction is English. A working knowledge of English Language is required.

III. Makerere University (Department of Chemistry), Uganda
Applicants from countries where the language of instruction is not English are required to provide evidence of proficiency in English Language.

MSc Chemistry (2 academic years)
Candidates should be in possession of at least an upper second-class honors degree in Chemistry or a related field from a recognized institution. Candidates with lower qualifications will be considered for admission provided they have demonstrated academic growth in chemistry or in one of the specified options. The language of instruction is English.

IV. University of Kinshasa (Department of Natural Resources Management and the Congo Basin Water Resources Research Centre), DRC (UNIKIN)

MSc Water Resources (2 academic years)

Candidates are required to have at least a second-class Bachelor (BSc) degree in the field of Agricultural Engineering, Geography, Physical Planning, Hydrology, Civil Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Sciences or a closely related field. The language of instruction is French. A working knowledge of French is required.

V. Ecole Nationale Supéprieure d'Hydraulique (ENSH) - National Higher School for Hydraulics

MSc Hydraulics (6 months mobility, credit-seeking)

Applicants must be admitted/registered for a Master’s degree in their home institution in any of the following subjects or another relevant degree: Hydrology, Hydraulics, Water Resources Engineering/Science, Hydrogeology, and Water Quality or a closely related field. Successful candidates will be accepted to prepare their Master’s thesis at our school (for the last six months of the Master’s course). The languages of instruction are French and English. A working knowledge of French or/and English is required.



Application process

  • Read the guidelines carefully here: https://www.ru.ac.za/intra-africa-awarmn/scholarships/call/
  • Carefully complete the application form available here https://www.ru.ac.za/intra¬africa-awarmn/
  • Submit: Certified copies of academic degrees official transcripts, 2 paged CV, a formal identity document e.g. passport, national identity card, driver license or any other officially recognized form of identification indicating your nationality, 250 words motivation stating why you should be awarded a scholarship, two reference letters (one academic and one non-academic). The academic referee must be able to attest to your academic standing.

  • Note: Due to the COVID-19 situation, at the time of application, we will accept unofficial document detailing all your courses and grades/marks obtained, including final grade point average or marks). However, if you are selected, we will require the official transcript, without which we will be unable to make a final offer to you.

  • Due to the COVID-19 and closure of international borders, the partnership may elect not to award scholarship in some partner institutions depending on the prevailing circumstances.

  • Click here on this link to apply:


  • Due to the COVID-19 situation, successful candidates will be expected to resume their study for the 2022 academic session on a rolling basis depending on the institutional circumstances.

  • Where the mobility start date is substantially delayed due to COVID-19 travel restrictions to a chosen host institution, the project management committee (PMC) reserves the right to allocate a student to another host University to overcome these delays.

    Incomplete applications will not be considered. Female applicants, people with disability(ies) or people from a socio-economically disadvantaged background are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application Deadline:

The deadline for submission of applications is 15 July 2021. Submitted applications will be acknowledged within 3 working days. Applicants will be informed about the outcome of the competitive selection process by email on or before 21 August 2021.

For administrative enquiries contact AWaRMN secretariat: awarmnadmin@ru.ac.za

Institutional contacts:
Rhodes University – Prof Nelson Odume: n.odume@ru.ac.za
Makerere University – Prof NYAKAIRU George
William: George.nyakairu@mak.ac.ug
FUTMINNA – Prof Francis Arimoro:
UNIKIN - Prof Raphael Tshimanga:
ENSH - Prof Mohamed Meddi: m.meddi@ensh.dz

African Water Resources Mobility Network (AWaRMN) Scholarship

Funding Opportunities - Wed, 06/02/2021 - 01:18

Applications are invited from suitably qualified and outstanding candidates for full-time study in any of the Postgraduate academic mobility scholarship programmes of the AWaRMN under the following Higher Education Institutions in the AWaRMN partnership: .

These are:

Categories: Funding Opportunities

MakRIF Projects Implemented by ZEFs staff

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 05/31/2021 - 06:21
MakRIF Projects Implemented by ZEFs staff webadmin Mon, 05/31/2021 - 16:21

Announcement of virtual dissemination of research findings on MakRIF Projects implemented by ZEFs staff. The virtual event is scheduled to take place on Friday, 4th June 2021 at 9am-1pm. Download the attachments below for more details.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 854 1781 1174
Passcode: 390786RIF


Juliet K Nattabi Project summary.pdf Juliet K Nattabi Project summary.doc Kubiriza et al.Project summary-dissemination-10.02.2021.pdf Kubiriza et al.Project summary-dissemination-10.02.2021.docx Kubiriza-PoshFeed poster-30.05.2021.pdf Kubiriza-Processing protocol-poster.pdf Peter Akoll-Project summary-Peter-11.02.2021.pdf Peter Akoll-Project summary-Peter-11.02.2021.docx Rose-Nalwanga-PROJECT_SUMMARY.pdf Rose-Nalwanga-PROJECT_SUMMARY.doc


PhD Funding Opportunity

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 05/28/2021 - 04:52

The Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI), based in L’Aquila, Italy, is offering post-graduate training to obtain “Philosophiae Doctor” (Ph.D.) degrees in the following fields: Astroparticle Physics, Mathematics Computer Science and Regional Science & Economic Geography.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Examinations Timetables for Semester One 2020-2021

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 05/19/2021 - 01:32
Examinations Timetables for Semester One 2020-2021 webadmin Wed, 05/19/2021 - 11:32 FINALISTS SEM ONE TIMETABLE 2020-2021 FINAL COPY MAY 2021.pdf

71st Graduation of Makerere University:  CoNAS Presents Graduands on Day 1

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 05/17/2021 - 05:10
71st Graduation of Makerere University:  CoNAS Presents Graduands on Day 1 webadmin Mon, 05/17/2021 - 15:10

The College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) presented its graduands today which is day one of the 71st Graduation of Makerere University. The graduation week that started today (17th May 2021) is running till Friday 21st May, 2021. CoNAS presented 319 graduands (101 Female, 218 male) broken down as follows.





Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)




Master of Science – Zoology




Master of Science – Biochemistry




Master of Science – Botany




Master of Science – Chemistry




Master of Science – Petroleum Geoscience




Master of Science – Physics




Bachelor of Science




Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry




Bachelor of Science in Sports Science




Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture




Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology




Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology




Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geoscience and Production








Congratulations to staff who were awarded PhDs today including: Dr. Florence Nantaba, Dr. Adia Madina Muhammed, Dr. Solomon Iga (Department of Chemistry) and Dr. Rhona Baingana (Department of Biochemistry and Sports Science).

Eleven (11) bachelors degree graduands presented by CoNAS attained first class degrees (3 Female, 8 Male). The names, degree and CGPA are presented below:






Obongi Emmanuel

Bachelor of Science



Nkajja Godfrey

Bachelor of Science



Nakato Zora Joy

Bachelor of Science



Tukie Ivan

Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geoscience and Production



Bakisuula Dalton

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry



Kidega Francis Brian

Bachelor of Science



Buyondo Basil Paul

Bachelor of Science



Ayebare Ruth

Bachelor of Science



Mutahi Nicholas Silver

Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geoscience and Production



Dembe Nicholas

Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture



Taremwa Yoweri

Bachelor of Science



Special mention to Dembe Nicholas who attained the 1st Class degree ever awarded to a student of Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Aquaculture since inception of the programme over a decade ago.

The leadership of CoNAS led by Prof. Mugisha J.Y.T (Principal, CoNAS) extend their sincere thanks to all members of staff who produced the results in time without which there would be no graduands. Special thanks to the College Registrar and team (Anne, Albert) who worked tirelessly to ensure that the college results were captured on the graduation list.

CoNAS_71stGraduation.pdf CoNAS_71stGraduation.docx

Academic Registrar Communication on 71st Graduation

Latest News from CoNAS - Sun, 05/16/2021 - 12:49
Academic Registrar Communication on 71st Graduation webadmin Sun, 05/16/2021 - 22:49

At it’s 169th Meeting held on 24th March, 2021, the Senate approved the proposal from the Ceremonies Committee to host a blended Graduation Ceremony. This is therefore to inform you that the 71st Graduation Ceremony will be a “blended” one, with a few university officials, Ph.D graduands, Masters Graduands and First Class undergraduate graduands physically present. The rest of the graduands and parents/ guardians will attend virtually. It will be live on television and transmitted on all Makerere University social media platforms. The ceremony is scheduled to take place from Monday 17th to Friday 21st May, 2021.

According lo the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) crowd gathering in one place is prohibited. It is against this background that physical attendance will only be limited to the following categories:-

  • Ph.D Degree Graduands
  • Masters Degree Graduands
  • First Class Honours Degree Graduands

Please note that all graduands’ names will be read out during the live television coverage and live streaming on social media platforms. The students who take an oath from the College of Health Sciences and College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-Security shall lake the oath online.

The graduation fees for the 71st Graduation Ceremony are as indicated below:-

  Ugandans/East Africa International Students Convocation fees UGX 10,000/= US $ 10 Graduation fees UGX 40,000/= US $ 60 Certificate fees UGX 30,000/= US $30 Transcript UGX 30,000/= US $30 Total UGX 110,000/= US $ 110

From this breakdown, graduation fees must be paid as a package totaling UGX. 110,000/ = for Ugandans/ East Africa and US $130 for International students respectively.

In addition to the above fees all Ph.D graduands should pay Shs. 50,000 for a Cylinder.

Graduation Gowns
The University has approved Gown suppliers for every College as listed here below. You should therefore purchase gowns from the named suppliers who will be based in your respective Colleges/Schools. Please note that Ph.D graduands have their own special graduation gown that can be purchased from the suppliers on order.

SN SUPPLIER CONTACT SUPPLY COLLEGES GRADUATION DAY 1. Ms. Winfred +256-772-655 175 College of Natural Sciences (CON AS)
College of Health Sciences (CHS)
School of Law (SOL) Monday 17th May, 2021 2. Ms. Fundi Building Centre +256-772-451 717 College of Agricultural and Environmental
Sciences (CAES)
College of Education and External Studies
(CEES) Tuesday 18th May, 2021 3. Ms. Mmacks Investment +256-772-418 275 College of Business and Mgt Sciences
College of Computing and Information
Sciences (COCIS)
College of Vet. Medicine, Animal Resorces &
(COVAB) Wednesday 19th May, 2021 4. Ms. Mmacks Investment +256-753-220 800 Makerere University Business School Thursday 20th May, 2021 5. Ms. Sokana Ltd +256-772-984 564 College of Humanities & Social Sciences
(CHUSS) Friday 21st May, 2021 6. Ms. Clanok Garmets +256-775-154 614 College of Engineering Design Art and Technology
(CEDAT) Friday 21st May, 2021 7. Ms. Goreth Kisekulo +256-772-456 786 Directorate of Research and Graduate Training Monday 17th – 21st May, 2021

You should therefore purchase gowns from the named suppliers who will be based in your respective Colleges/Schools.

Please note that PhD graduands have their own special graduation gown that can be purchased from the suppliers on order.

Alfred Masikye Namoah

Zoom Link to Makerere University 71st Graduation Ceremony

Latest News from CoNAS - Sun, 05/16/2021 - 12:35
Zoom Link to Makerere University 71st Graduation Ceremony webadmin Sun, 05/16/2021 - 22:35

At its 169th Meeting held on 24th March, 2021, the Senate approved the proposal from the Ceremonies Committee to host a blended Graduation Ceremony.

The 71st Graduation Ceremony will be a “blended” one with; a few university officials, Ph.D graduands, Masters Graduands and First Class undergraduate graduands physically present. The rest of the graduands and parents/guardians will attend virtually. It will be live on television and transmitted on all Makerere University social media platforms. 

1. All first class Bachelors, Masters and PhD graduands will attend the graduation physically (in Freedom Square)
2. Graduands from CoVAB and CHS take the Hypocritical oath. They will sign the oath and hand it in at collection of their transcripts
3. The 71st graduation ceremony will be broadcast live on NTV and UBC and each session will last for 3 hours
4. Please note that parents and guardians are NOT invited to the Freedom Square. They will attend virtually
5. Academic programs eg teaching will continue during the graduation week
6. Honorary /Emeritus professorship awardees will attend virtually

To have an interactive graduation, you can register here to be connected via zoom
zoom: https://bit.ly/3tUWJEk

GENERAL 71st Graduation Ceremony Statistics & Guidelines

Latest News from CoNAS - Sun, 05/16/2021 - 12:22
GENERAL 71st Graduation Ceremony Statistics & Guidelines webadmin Sun, 05/16/2021 - 22:22

The Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Suruma will confer degrees and award diplomas to 12,550 graduands; 6,433 (51%) female and 6,117 (49%) male. Of these, 108 will be conferred upon PhDs; 38 (35.2%) female and 70 (64.8%) male, while 1,160 will be conferred upon Masters degrees; 434 (37.4%) female and 726 (62.6%) male. 115 (33 – 28.7% female and 82 – 71.3% male), 11,151 (5,919 – 53% female and 5,232 – 47% male) and 16 (9 – 56% female and 44% male) candidates will graduate with Postgraduate DiplomasUndergraduate Degrees and Undergraduate Diplomas respectively.

On each day, the Graduation Ceremony will start at 8:30a.m. and is expected to end at 12:00p.m.

The Blended Mak Graduation Ceremony will be conducted following Government guidelines against the spread of COVID-19.

All parents, guardians, spouses, relatives and friends are advised to follow the Graduation Ceremony on NTV, UBC Radio and virtually on Makerere University social media pages.

It is only the following Graduands who are authorized to come to Makerere University and be physically present in the Freedom Square:

  • PhD Graduands
  • Masters’ Degree Graduands
  • First Class Honours Degreee Graduands

The invited categories of Graduands to be physically present in the Freedom Square should wear face masks throughout the ceremony.

All other Graduands (not in the specified categories) will graduate virtually. The Graduands should remain at home and follow the Graduation on NTV, UBC Radio and live streaming on Makerere University social media pages.

The Graduation schedule is as follows:


  • College of Natural Sciences
  • College of Health Sciences
  • School of Law


  • College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  • College of Education and External Studies


  • College of Business and Management Sciences
  • College of Computing and Information Sciences
  • College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-security



  • College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology
  • College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Please see Downloads for detailed statistics.


Semester Schedule for Academic Year 2020/2021 for Staggered Physical/on Campus and E-Learning

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 05/10/2021 - 06:57
Semester Schedule for Academic Year 2020/2021 for Staggered Physical/on Campus and E-Learning webadmin Mon, 05/10/2021 - 16:57

​​​​​​The Academic Registrar, Makerere University  has issued a schedule for Academic year 2020/2021 staggered physical teaching on campus and online. Download attachment for details.

Semester Schedule for Academic Year 2020-2021 For Staggering Physical on Campus and E-learing.pdf

PUJAB Announcement & Notes to Schools for 2021-2022 Academic Year

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 05/10/2021 - 05:03
PUJAB Announcement & Notes to Schools for 2021-2022 Academic Year webadmin Mon, 05/10/2021 - 15:03

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University informs all Head Teachers of A’ level schools that the Public Universities Joint Admissions Board (PUJAB) application forms for UACE 2020 Senior Six candidates for the 2021/2022 Academic Year admissions are ready for collection from the university.

The application forms should be collected from the Academic Registrar’s Office, Senate Building, Level 3, Makerere University. Application forms are issued on payment of a non-refundable application fee of UG Shs. 52,000/= per applicant. Issuance of the application forms started on Friday 23rd April, 2021.

Procedure for Obtaining a Payment Reference Number (PRN) for Payment of PUJAB FORMS

  1. Visit to the website: https://payments.mak.ac.ug/pay/
  2. Fill in the name of the school or  student
  3. Fill in the email
  4. Fill in the telephone number


  • Click on option number 24, code 224 and type in the number of students continue and get the Payment Reference Number (PRN).
  • Go to any bank of your choice with the PRN and pay
  • Present the receipt from the bank to the PUJAB Office Level 3 Senate Building and pick the form(s).

The forms are for only Ugandans. Please note that only Head Teachers or their authorised representatives will be served.

The closing date for submitting the completed application forms will be Monday 31st May, 2021.

Mak-Cademic-Registrar-PUJAB-Announcement-21st-April-2021.pdf Notes-to-Schools-2021-2022-Academic-Year.pdf

Mak 71st Official Graduation Gowns

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 05/06/2021 - 23:58
Mak 71st Official Graduation Gowns webadmin Fri, 05/07/2021 - 09:58

The Academic Registrar, Makerere University has issued a circular on Graduation Gowns and the approved service providers for the respective Colleges as we prepare for the 71st Graduation Ceremony. Download attachment for details.

Official Graduation Gowns.pdf

Reimagining the Natural Products Industry in Africa Conference (RNPIA-2021)

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 05/06/2021 - 08:12
Reimagining the Natural Products Industry in Africa Conference (RNPIA-2021) webadmin Thu, 05/06/2021 - 18:12  

On behalf of the organizing committee, Dr. Alice Nabatanzi, a staff from College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University invites you all to a Conference on Reimagining the Natural Products Industry in Africa under the patronage of Carnegie Corporation of New York through Future Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa.

The RNPIA-2021 conference is organized by Future Africa, University of Pretoria in collaboration with Makerere University and this year’s theme is “Advancing Africa’s Natural Products Industry through Transdisciplinarity and Sustainable Innovations”.... Visit the Conference website for details.


Mak 71st Virtual Graduation: Dates for Respective Colleges to Present Graduands

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 05/05/2021 - 23:29
Mak 71st Virtual Graduation: Dates for Respective Colleges to Present Graduands webadmin Thu, 05/06/2021 - 09:29

The Makerere University 71st Graduation Ceremony is scheduled to take place from Monday 17th May 2021 to Friday 21st May 2021. The Chancellor is expected to confer degrees and award diplomas to   over 11,000 graduands.

The 71st Graduation Ceremony will be held virtually. Only PhD graduands will be expected to be physically present at the Freedom Square. All students graduating with Masters, Bachelors (Undergraduate degrees) and Diplomas will participate virtually. Modalities for a successful virtual graduation ceremony are being finalised with options for Live Coverage and Live Streaming.

For your reference, please receive the attached document from the Department of the Academic Registrar highlighting the dates when the respective Colleges will be presenting students for graduation.

Mak 71st VIRTUAL Grad Dates respective Colleges presenting Graduands 17th to 21st May 2021.pdf Mak 71st VIRTUAL Grad Dates respective Colleges presenting Graduands 17th to 21st May 2021.doc


$100M Prize for Carbon Removal

Funding Opportunities - Wed, 05/05/2021 - 00:38

Applications are open for the XPRIZE Carbon Removal Competition 2021. The XPRIZE Carbon Removal is aimed at tackling the biggest threat facing humanity, which is fighting climate change and rebalancing Earth’s carbon cycle. Funded by Elon Musk and the Musk Foundation, this $100M competition is the largest incentive prize in history, an extraordinary milestone. After 1 year of competition the judges will review all submissions received by that time and award up to 15 Milestone Prizes of $1 million each.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Call for proposals-Health policy analysis for health taxes: Lessons from countries

Funding Opportunities - Tue, 05/04/2021 - 23:49

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research is leading the development of a series of analytical country case studies to better understand the political economy factors that contribute to advancing the implementation of health taxes. This programme carried out in collaboration with the Inter-Agency Working Group and the WHO Working Group on Health Taxes and focuses its attention on examining how political economy factors have influenced the design, adoption and implementation of health taxes.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

PhD Public Defense by Mr Ndikubwayo Innocent

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 05/03/2021 - 23:58
PhD Public Defense by Mr Ndikubwayo Innocent webadmin Tue, 05/04/2021 - 09:58

PhD Public Defense by Mr Ndikubwayo Innocent, a PhD Sida supported sandwich student at Makerere and Stockholm university in Sweden. Mr Ndikubwayo Innocent  will defend his PhD in Mathematics at Stockholm University today on the 14th  May 2021 at 15.00 CET i.e 16.00 EAT.

Zoom link: https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/64784353303 [1]
LOCATION: Online via Zoom, meeting ID 647 8435 3303

It is good to know that Innocent is one of the PhD Sida supported students on project 316 who have or are completing their PhDs.  Note that the said Sida Mathematics project has trained or is finalizing the training to PhD level of 21 students/staff i.e 4 staff from Makerere, 6 staff from Kyambogo, 4 staff from Gulu university, 2 staff from Mbarara university and 5 staff from Busitema. Innocent is a staff of Makerere  University. In 2020 alone, this project made a humble contribution of 29 impactful publications to Makerere's volume of publications in the pandemic year. I am hopeful that the main library has captured all of them. To date, the project has produced close to 60 publications. It is good to further note that out of the said 21 PhD students recruited in 2016/2017 with most of them in 2017, thirteen (13) PhD students have completed or will will complete by end of next month.
