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Department of Biochemistry & Sports Science

PhD Public Defense By Mr. Ocen William

Latest News from CoNAS - Fri, 04/09/2021 - 02:41
PhD Public Defense By Mr. Ocen William webadmin Fri, 04/09/2021 - 12:41

The Dean School of Physical Sciences invites you to the PhD Public Defense by Mr. Ocen William (PhD, Physics) on:   Measurement and Modeling if Residual Stress in Porcelain Tiles Formulated from Different Quartz Particle Sizes in UgandaThe defense is scheduled to take place on 15th April 2021 starting at 10:00 AM in  Chemistry Board Room. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 936 8217 8978
Passcode: 215314

71st Graduation Ceremony

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 04/08/2021 - 23:20
71st Graduation Ceremony webadmin Fri, 04/09/2021 - 09:20

Makerere University 71st Graduation Ceremony is scheduled to take place from Monday 17th May to Friday 21st May 2021.

Ministry of Energy and Infrastructures of the UAE Innovation Hub

Funding Opportunities - Wed, 04/07/2021 - 00:24

SRTI Park with the collaboration of Barrabés Middle East and the patronage of the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructures of the UAE, has launched recently the MEA Energy Innovation Hub, a global initiative to foster and accelerate an ecosystem that creates opportunities within the energy, low carbon, and oil & gas sectors.  

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Intra-Africa mobility grant

Funding Opportunities - Wed, 04/07/2021 - 00:13

RUFORUM call for the Intra-Africa mobility grant for Junior Researchers 2021, download attachment below.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

NutriFish Donates a Solar Tent Dryer

Latest News from CoNAS - Thu, 04/01/2021 - 03:14
NutriFish Donates a Solar Tent Dryer webadmin Thu, 04/01/2021 - 13:14

NutriFish project donates Solar Tent Dryer to Kiyindi Women Fish Processors Association Community. The solar tent dryer was produced under the NutriFish project in the College of Natural Sciences as an innovation to help improve the quality and marketing of fish in Uganda. According to Mr. Kule Phillip, a member of the Kiyindi fishers community, the solar tent has helped them upgrade from drying their fish on the ground to drying in the solar tent hence improve quality of fish.

The Solar tent dryer is a unique dryer that dries fish to 100% moisture free. According to Ms. Logose Perus - Director Kiyindi Women Fish Processors Association, the tent is the first of its kind and has improved on the security of their products since it can be locked, better quality of fish and free from rodents.

NutriFish Donates a Solar Tent Dryer.pdf NutriFish Donates a Solar Tent Dryer (2).docx


Celebrating Top Female Performers at CoNAS

Latest News from CoNAS - Wed, 03/31/2021 - 08:33
Celebrating Top Female Performers at CoNAS webadmin Wed, 03/31/2021 - 18:33

When Makerere University holds her 71st Graduation in May,2021 two of the graduands will be 1. Ms. NaKato Zora Joy with a BSc. Honours – First Class (CGPA 4.62) degree majoring in Mathematics and a minor in Physics 2. Ms. Ayebare Ruth with a BSc. Honours - First Class (CGPA 4.44) degree majoring in Statistics and a minor in Mathematics. In this month of March as the world celebrates women, we celebrate our top female student performers. 

Ms. Nakato Zora Joy

Joy is a 23yr old female, she completed studies at Makerere University and will graduate in May, 2021. On her journey to Makerere University, she attended Newfields Nursery and Day-care Centre for nursery education; attended Lohana Academy, Kololo for primary school where she attained 4 aggregates for Primary Leaving Examinations; she then joined Gayaza High School for secondary education attaining 8 in 8 and 11 in 10 for the Uganda Certificate of Education examinations; for A’level she offered PCM (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) attaining 15points for the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education examinations. Born and raised in Kampala District, Ms. Nakato together with her twin Babirye are the eldest children of Eng. Peter Luyima and the Late Eng. Allen Nansubuga Wamala.

Growing up, Joy’s dream career was Aeronautical Engineering and her first choice for university admission was Mechanical Engineering; both parents being engineers, she wanted to follow in their footsteps. She was admitted to Makerere University for a Bachelor of Science – Physical (Mathematics and Physics). Looking back, she is grateful that she was admitted to study Mathematics and Physics. ‘I chose to major in Mathematics because I saw it as a challenge, it wasn’t my comfort zone’, she says. In addition, Joy noted that she is happy to major in Mathematics because there are so many branches of the subject making it more interesting mentioning Biomathematics which influences health as a highlight.

Joy’s experience at Makerere University is one of growth – intellectually, character and proven resilience. During the three years of study, she had to balance studies and care-giving for her mother who had been diagnosed with stage-4 cancer in her Senior Six vacation. She attributes her high performance to determination, hard work, team-work and support from colleagues. Male students assume that female colleagues are not good enough but I am happy that I was able to achieve a first-class which is proof that both male and female are capable, Joy noted. ‘Don’t be afraid to dream, be willing to work hard towards your dream. My belief is that all people wish to succeed, the difference is effort put in to ensure success. Positive attitude is crucial for success’ Joy said. Her favourite quote is ‘Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% is how you react towards it’ – Charles Swindoll.

Her role model is her late mother who exhibited courage, brilliance, positive attitude, faith, hope throughout life and hopes she can emulate her.

Her parting message: I am humbled by the opportunity to be profiled. She is grateful to her family, friends and lecturers for the support during her studies. She specifically mentioned Dr. Saul Nsubuga (Lecturer – Department of Mathematics) who was very supportive, ‘he held my hand’ she noted. She reiterated that ‘Parents’/ family belief in their children gives them confidence/drive to succeed’.

Joy is currently an intern in the Data Department at the Uganda Virus Research Institute, Entebbe, Uganda. She hopes to undertake post graduate studies (Masters and PhD) and specialise in Statistics and Applied Data Science because of the influence of date on decision making and all spheres of life. Joy wishes to work in academia because of the opportunity to mentor others which her lecturers and teachers did for her. She also hopes to be a wife and a mother. 

'I cannot take all the credit for what I have achieved.  There's always been that super natural source and that's the Almighty God. At the time I lost my mother in between my finals it's the Grace of God that saw me through to the end.'

Ms. Ayebare Ruth

Ruth is a 23yr old female who completed studies at Makerere University and will graduate in May, 2021. Prior to joining Makerere, Ruth Ayebare attended Itojo Progressive Primary School where she attained 8 aggregates for her Primary Leaving Examinations; she then attended Bweranyangi Girls School for O’level attaining 24points in 10 for the Uganda Certificate of Education Examinations; for A’level she went to St. Mary’s S.S.S Kitende where she offered PEM/ICT attaining 14points for the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education examinations. Ruth hails from Ntungamo District and is the youngest of five children (4 girls, 1 boy) born to Mr. Ayebare Tuhumwire Richards a retired head teacher of Kemironko Primary School and Mrs Ayebare Allen who is a housewife and small scale farmer.

‘My dream has always been to be scientist and I have always loved sciences which I consider simple/logic compared to arts subjects which have a lot of notes to read. My first choice programme on my Joint Admissions Board (JAB) application was Quantity Surveying however, I was admitted on Government Sponsorship to study Bachelor of Science – Physical (Statistics and Mathematics)’.

Ruth has fond memories of her stay at Makerere University and is grateful for the support of her lecturers who were very supportive; Dr. Godwin Kakuba (Head – Department of Mathematics) was a mentor whose encouragement she appreciates. She was a class representative which enabled her to seek answers whenever she had challenges. Her motivation to perform highly was initially guided by the University policy to retain the best performers as Teaching Assistants; this policy has since changed. ‘I am happy that because of the hard work I have a first class degree which is start to bigger things, though I wasn’t retained by the University’ she said. A major challenge while at Makerere was doubt from male students who think female students are not worthy of good grades.

Ruth noted that she was able to achieve a first class degree because she set goals to guide her to her target and stayed committed all through her stay at university.  Her advice to other female students is to remain confident, work hard and set goals to achieve the intended target; female and male students have equal abilities and one is able to attain what they want.

Her role model is her uncle Prof. Kamukama Nixon (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs) of Mbarara University of Science and Technology whose work in academics she would wish to emulate. Ruth’s earliest memory of Makerere University is attending the PhD graduation party of Prof. Kamukama; at the time she promised herself to join Makerere University for higher education.

Ruth is very grateful to her parents and siblings for the encouragement and support all through her studies. Her message to young people ‘always trust yourself remain committed and work hard’. She also thanks her friends/classmates as reading and discussion partners.

Ruth is currently attending a 1yr online programme offered by the Cloud Academy, California, United States of America to which she was recommended by Dr. Saint Kizito Omala (Head – Statistics, College of Business and Management Studies, Makerere University). She hopes to undertake post graduate studies (Masters and PhD) and work in academia.

Celebrating Top Female Performers at CoNAS.docx Celebrating Top Female Performers at CoNAS.pdf

College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University with Partners Wins a 3 year  Euros 1,500,000 Research Grant

Latest News from CoNAS - Tue, 03/30/2021 - 03:30
College of Natural Sciences, Makerere University with Partners Wins a 3 year  Euros 1,500,000 Research Grant webadmin Tue, 03/30/2021 - 13:30

Makerere University represented by the College of Natural Sciences, Department of Zoology, Entomology and Fisheries Sciences (Assoc.Prof. Charles Masembe) together with 6 other universities ​​won a 3 year  Euros 1,500,000  research grant titled “DisPersal of Antibiotic Resistance and antibiotics in Water ecosystems and Influence on liveStock and aquatic wildlife” from the Aquatic Pollutants funding consortium (http://www.jpi-oceans.eu/calls/proposals/aquaticpollutants-joint-transnational-call-2020 ).

The other team members on the project include: National Veterinary Insitute (SVA); Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA); Linköping University (LiU); Estación Biológica de Doñana, - spain; National Research Institute for Rural Engineering, Water, and Forestry (INRGREF) - Tunisia and Faculty of medicine Ibn Al-Jazzar Sousse (FMS) - Tunisia.

The overall aim of is to provide insight into the dispersal of antibiotics, antibiotic resistant bacteria  and antibiotic resistance genes-ARG downstream of  wastewater treatment plants. By comparing different geographical/climatic regions, wastewater management practices and types of water bodies, they will investigate the potential influence that WWTPs have on occurrence of ARB  and ARG in livestock downstream of the WWTPs.

By combining state-of-the-art phenotypic and molecular methodologies together with high-resolution telemetry data on animal movements, they will obtain ground-breaking knowledge about how different point-sources affect occurrence in aquatic birds, and the role birds play in transfer of pollutants between aquatic habitats, regionally and between countries and continents


Chinese Government Scholarship To Makerere University From China University Of Petroleum

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 03/29/2021 - 03:24
Chinese Government Scholarship To Makerere University From China University Of Petroleum webadmin Mon, 03/29/2021 - 13:24

Chinese Government Scholarship To Makerere University From China University Of Petroleum as below:

Supporting Categories

Supporting Programs

Instruction Language

Study Duration

Scholarship Duration

Master's students

1.Oil and Natural Gas Engineering

2.Geological Resource and Geological Engineering

3.Chemical Engineering and Technology


3 years

3 years

Doctoral students

1.Oil and Gas Field Development Engineering

2.Oil and Gas Well Engineering

3.Geological Resources and Geological Engineering

4.Chemical Engineering and Technology


4 years

4-5 years

For information about application criteria, procedures and documents, please visit our official website http://cie.upc.edu.cn/admission_en/info/1209/1201.htm

5 places of the above scholarship are available for students from Makerere University, College of Natural Sciences

N.B. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 fall semester may still be online course-based in China and we hope that nominated students do not mind taking online registration and online courses in case on campus learning is not available



Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Call For Scholarships Year 2021/22

Latest News from CoNAS - Mon, 03/29/2021 - 03:18
Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Call For Scholarships Year 2021/22 webadmin Mon, 03/29/2021 - 13:18

Project: Collaborative training in fisheries and aquaculture in East, Central and Southern Africa (COTRA)

The EU, under the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, provided funding to strengthen training and research in African universities from 1st November 2017 until 31st October 2022. In this mobility programme five African partner institutions and one EU Technical partner embarked on training of professionals to achieve sustainable fisheries management and aquaculture resources for increased fish production and enhanced food and nutritional security, and hence, improved livelihood and household revenue seeking. The programme is now supporting training of masters and Doctorates following two tracks: a) degree-seeking and b) credit seeking in Fisheries Management, Aquaculture, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Ichthyology, Zoology and Biology. COTRA has opened the call for application from suitable PhD and MSc degree/credit seeking candidates to apply for the available positions indicated in Tables 1 and 2 before 14th May 2021 (Midnight East African time).


2.0 Conditions for all applicants

  1. Applicants are only allowed to apply to study in an institution outside of their home countries.
  2. Any applicant who has previously benefitted from EU funded mobility program and those who obtained the previous degrees from Europe does not qualify.
  3.  Females and candidates with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.
  4. Applications must be submitted fully-filled scholarship application forms available on the programme website (http://www.cotraintrafrica.org/) either online through email or postal services.
  5. In order to facilitate and fasten the mobility process, each applicant is advised to apply to the hosting university for admission. The admission criteria for each university can be found from their respective websites.
  6. Applications must be received by host and home institutions through the Country coordinator – see Tables 1 and 2 or found at http://www.cotraintrafrica.org/contacts with a copy to contraintrafrica@gmail.com by 14th May 2021 (Midnight East African time). Download attachments for more information.
COTRA_Fourth call for Scholarship applications _ COTRA_PA.pdf


COTRA_Fourth call for Scholarship applications _ COTRA_PA.docx

Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Call For Scholarships Year 2021/22

Funding Opportunities - Mon, 03/29/2021 - 02:18

Project: Collaborative training in fisheries and aquaculture in East, Central and Southern Africa (COTRA)

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Project Grants in Bioscience and Basic Biomedicine

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 03/26/2021 - 06:12

The objective of this call is to promote Danish fundamental research at a high international level within the field of bioscience and basic biomedicine by supporting projects relevant for understanding the human organism and/or basal mechanisms underlying health and disease.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Chinese Government Scholarship-Chinese University Program

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 03/26/2021 - 05:53

Chinese University Program is a full scholarship for designated Chinese universities and certain provincial education offices in specific provinces or autonomous regions to recruit outstanding international students for graduate studies in China. It only supports graduate students. Scholarship students can register for either a Chinese-taught program or English-taught program if applicable. This scholarship supports master’s students for not more than three academic years or doctoral students for no more than four academic years.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Fund for Innovation in Development

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 03/26/2021 - 05:44

The Fund for Innovation in Development (FID) is a new initiative to support innovation that contributes to reducing global poverty and inequality. Through flexible grant funding, FID enables innovators and researchers to test new ideas, build rigorous evidence of what works, and scale the highest-impact and most cost-effective solutions.FID accepts applications: for innovations in any sector, and specifically encourages applications for solutions in education, health, climate change, and gender equality.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Algebraic Geometry

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 03/26/2021 - 04:27

Position as Postdoctoral Research Fellowship available in Algebraic Geometry to be based at the Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo. The appointment is a full-time position for a period of two years and is to begin no later than November 1st, 2021. They seek candidates whose research interests enhance and complement the research group in algebraic geometry. The main purpose of a postdoctoral fellowship is to provide the candidates with enhanced skills to pursue a scientific top position within or beyond academia.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Call for Expressions of Interest: The Gender in STEM Research Initiative - Advancing gender analysis and women’s leadership in STEM fields

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 03/26/2021 - 03:08

Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity to advance gender analysis and women’s leadership in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields through the Gender in STEM Research Initiative. The Gender in STEM Research Initiative will fund research that helps promote women’s leadership in science — notably in natural sciences, engineering, and maths — and the integration of gender analysis in these fields.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Research project grant within natural and engineering sciences

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 03/26/2021 - 02:58

The Swedish Research Council funds research by issuing calls for grant applications in open competition. In order to provide Swedish research with the best possible prerequisites, they fund research infrastructure, both in Sweden and abroad. The purpose of the project grant is to give researchers the freedom to formulate their own research concept, method and implementation, and to solve a specific research task within a limited period

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Research project grant within development research

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 03/26/2021 - 02:55

The goal of the call for project grants within development research is to reinforce Swedish research of the highest quality with particular relevance to the fight against poverty and for sustainable development in low-income countries. Development research shall contribute to knowledge about the causes and consequences, and possible solutions of poverty.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Postdoctoral Fellow - Synthetic Biology Design and Evolution

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 03/26/2021 - 02:23

European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)an international, innovative, and interdisciplinary laboratory with more than 1800 employees from many nations is offering a fellowship. The Steinmetz group at EMBL  is looking for an ambitious computational postdoctoral fellow who will combine innovative approaches in synthetic biology, laboratory evolution, and genomics to measure the functional and molecular consequences of abrupt changes in genome organization.

Categories: Funding Opportunities

Call for Proposals for ERC Starting Grant (ERC-2021-STG)

Funding Opportunities - Fri, 03/26/2021 - 02:18

The ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.

Categories: Funding Opportunities
